Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Sunday extra

Randal would be proud.

Sorry Busted I just had to steal er borrow this.


  1. I love the cartoon. I cannot understand the fascination of the world with a game that boring. Only NA seems immune and the younger generation is making soccer the fastest growing sport in NA. People here look at me like I'm from Mars when I tell them, No I don't like Football.

  2. Hell on earth having to watch soccer.
    Just shoot me now.
    Although it might make great Nap incentives.

  3. Not a problem Demuer, SpongeBobCrackWhore put that up.
    Soccer is worse than golf for me.

  4. Soccer is almost sacred in Dallas, only because of the latino majority here. I am a sport's fan myself though when it comes to NFL season .... like an addict of sort!

  5. If someone would really want to punish me .... I reckon tying me to a chair, and forcing me to watch "golf" would do it!

  6. Great illustration. They made us learn and play soccer in gym class at my high school. I didn't like it much then, but for me, playing it is 100 times more fun than watching others play it.

    Then, there's curling. Heh.
