Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bits and pieces

Hat tip to Tengrain for the Cheney pic.

Dick Cheney gets a heart pump. You just know how those republicans just "love" socialized medicine as long as it's only for them. What the articles on Cheney's surgery fail to mention is that the pump is an impeller hooked directly to the heart meaning that he now has no heartbeat. Like the zombie he is they just might not be able to tell if he's dead or alive should he be in a dead sleep (pun intended). My guess is that he's not long for this world. Sorry Dick I never did save any of that asbestos I removed so you could make a hereafter suit out of it.

BP goes with the on again off again and on again testing of the shut off. Hey morons! Why didn't you leave the collection pipes in place while you jacked off trying to figure out whether you were going to go ahead with this operation? Now there'll be another couple million gallons of oil in the Gulf.

I see the cops in New Orleans that shot people trying to escape Hurricane Katrina will be headed to jail. Maybe there is just a little justice left in this country.

Again this connection is running as slow as molasses so until next time...

Keep your drums upright.


  1. SW that spill you mentioned slipped under my radar. That would make four spills by BP in the last five years and all because they're too cheap to do process safety. I know in my profession if we were that negligent somebody would be going to jail.

  2. Excuse me, Cheney earned every penny to pay for his medical care. You think subsisting on the blood of third world children is easy?

  3. They can put a heart pump in a man without a heart?

    I've had an interesting few days, met a man that has followed my blogs for a few years and was in this area, we had a great time, I'll post about it tomorrow.

  4. That is actually funny what you say about Cheney. I thought those cops in NO would be convicted so good. BP though, I am sick of them and the mess they have created.

    They should get from them what they can no matter how long it takes then kick them out of the US.

  5. I was telling someone else about a dream I had last night..So Somehow I was near the Prick Cheney..and for what ever reason I had a remote control for a tv on me. Well each time a click the old boy grabbed for his chest in pain. I had a great time...

  6. Cheney "not long for the world" -- I beg to differ. He's been around since Creation and he'll outlive our children's children's children.

  7. What's remarkable about Cheney's heart operation is that the surgeons were able to find the damned thing so they could hook the pump up to it.

    Re: those New Orleans cops. From what I've read, Louisiana prisons provide some of the hardest hard time there is in this country. I expect that as ex cops, those dirt bags will have an especially hard time fitting into the prison population.

    Re: BP America's rap sheet. The more you look the more you find. BP regards safety the way the Mafia regards being law abiding.
