Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Orleans honors BP with

How's that BP PR campaign working out for you Dudley?


  1. A one day protest at the pumps is a waste of time. And if you stop buying their gas how can they afford to clean up the mess?

    Besides, it's sort of stupid to think that BP only sells their oil under their name.

    It's likely that the gas I buy at Safeway comes from them.

  2. They might have splaining to do at the big shareholder meeting...

    PS I fixed the problem with my comment section....

  3. BP is but one head of the nasty Hydra I call the Oil Industry, which in my opinion includes most governments also. They have our World by the short hairs and they know it.

    A one day protest may feel good, but it does little to fix the hole in the Gulf nor will it punish BP much at all. The independent gas station owners however might feel the pain.

    I would rather see a protest in DC to force a more rapid energy policy change for the future. As it stands now, all we are getting is more of the same lip service I have been hearing for over 30 years.

  4. To make a really good protest complete, have Rep. Joe Barton on one of those dunk-tank setups. Only instead of water, the tank should hold a combo of heavy crude, tarballs and dispersant.

    Once Barton's had a few chances to enjoy luxuriating in a black-gold bath bring Tony Hayward on for a few turns. And let's not forget Rand Paul.
