Thursday, July 29, 2010

Watch out Randal you may be next

The city of Dallas, Texas is set to fire 500, mostly people in the library system.
There'll be no hiding in the back stacks of unread National Geographics. No more trying to look busy while checking the email. And we know you've figured out how to circumvent that iron fisted porn filter. Librarians know all the tricks. So what will it be? Religated to a street corner? Pssst! Hey buddy I'll teach you how to download porn to your Kindle for a price.
What's to become of all our warehouses of books? Sent to Afghanistan to be glued together as a new type of green housing project? Oh the shame of it all.

Got to run... later gator


  1. This caught my atencion ... I live in Dallas ... but dont have a clue what this is about?, burning book's you say? But will try to look into what is going on, just out of curiosity ... I actually frequent the Dallas Public Library, have a branch about a 5 minute walk from my back door here. Thanx Guy .....

  2. Burning of books,hmmm reminds me of something from the past...

  3. No porn filter on staff computers. Muahahahahahaha, etc.

  4. Good riddance! Who needs those sissy libraries anyway? Real Men should be out there teabagging and doing other constructive manly things like that.

  5. Randal has a fallback, if he can just discipline himself to do it. He's got the makings of a really good, edgy ad copy writer.

    But to be a success at it he couldn't start out doing something wickedly clever about the virtues of environmentally friendly dishwasher soap and suddenly veer off into a soccer soliloquy. ;)

  6. Uh oh. I veered of from the previous comment after clicking the wrong radio button.

  7. I like library's, sometimes it's just good to feel the warmth of a book.

    But I wouldn't mind it if they burned all the bibles and other stupid religious books in them.

  8. Anon I think you have Randal pegged to a T. Either that or writing dirty lymrics for a fortune cookie factory, but only in inuendos of course.
