Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hell no you can't!

Today was primary day here and as republicans have asked for my vote I can say with great glee "No"!
No you can't have my vote because you've conditioned me to say "No". I say no to tax breaks for the rich. I say no to corporate loopholes that make CEO wealthier while the rest of us suffer. I say no to slashing budgets that cause layoffs of our teachers fire and police. I say no to banks that won't refinance mortgages while we bailed them out. I say no to republicans who made health care an issue of killing grandma when they knew that was a lie. I say no to torture. I say no to illegal wire taps. I say no to treating us all like criminals when we board a plane. I say no to stereotyping races and religions for some sick political gain. I say no to not passing a jobs bill and getting the economy going again. So it's no to teabaggers and their fake outrage when most of the time they don't even understand the issue. I say no to republicans who parrot the BS of Fox News which isn't a news organization and shouldn't be part of the white house press corps. I say no to the idiots who think that it was Obama who got us into this mess. And I say no to the idiots who keep blocking everything he's tried to do. Got any better ideas other than tax cuts for the uber wealthy then let's hear it or just shut the hell up and get out of the way.


  1. Best Post EVER. I am stealing it and reposting it on my blog. LOVE it.

  2. Blog Fodder's right, that was well said. The whole selfish, sorry lot of them need to be told no at the polls by millions of voters, for however many elections it takes to make them see that lying, hypocrisy and obstruction won't be tolerated from them any more.

  3. I must say that I love your approach Demeur! :)

    Man oh man dude ... the GOP has shown so many asshole move's over the last year out of desperation ... they have confused me more than any party I have seen over the year's ... and are nothing like what they were at a time even. They have really went into the "change" mode. What really get's me ... is traditionally they were supposedly for (at least those who voted for them believed, me one of them year's back) America ... job creation, fair business, fair trade, not letting foreign oil control our country, even actually agreeing to let those who fail in business endeavor's or make bad investment's simply "fail", as the nature of business. I dont know if they actually realize what they are supporting these day's? It is almost unbelievable.

  4. You know you're in trouble when George W. Bush ("Islam is not terrorism") was a voice of reason; sure wish he'd say something NOW.

  5. Maybe you should run for office Billy. Pussy and beer for everybody.

    Only idiots become politicians. I would only run a country as a monarch.

  6. You're such an angry young man, all the nice gooper wants is your money.

  7. That's great I couldn't have said it better myself. I wish you would send that to Fox, msnbc, and everybody. That's great, just say no!

  8. King Billy!

    Money? I don't have much money left.

    Jim I'm sure this rant will make it out there in due time. Did I ever mention that when I first started this blog I heard the exact words I used in a post on a progressive radio station the next day?
    Somebody's listening. Maybe I should have hit them up for a few bucks but then this isn't copyrighted.

  9. Demeur
    I agree with all that was said except per usual BBC. Your rant was classic.

  10. Money? I don't have much money left.

    That's why you need to learn how to live on little, like I have. But I still manage to do the things I enjoy doing on my little income.

  11. Anyone that has followed my blogs for a number of years knows that I do a lot of shit. And I do that on $938.00 a month.

    More or less, I do pick up a few bucks here and there but I don't go chasing those bucks.

  12. Now this is a really, really excellent post. Good job!

    Just say "NO"!!

  13. Ignorance. Ignorance everywhere. Another case of the heroic Robin Hood, steal from the rich, give to the poor. But why are the rich rich, and which are the poor poor? The bulk of rich people worked their asses off to create an empire. Poor people opportunity the opportunity to have a better life, they just don't look for it. Anyone with a mind disagrees with torture, and I can assure you just as many Democrats agree with torture as Republicans. If you paid attention to history, you'd find we're falling into the same old shit that this country was founded to escape. I challenge you to gather information to prove your point, and challenge a libertarian who is just as prepared. See what happens.
    also, I'm sorry about the scattered subjects, I'm on my phone, and it's relatively difficult to remain organized. Or are you going to call me an idiot, discriminate against me, and back down from a challenge?
