Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's too hot!

Haven't posted today or commented because it's too hot here. Remember it usually doesn't get much over 80 F here most of the time. Today it was 90 here and even higher near the coast and in Seattle. So it's out to run through the sprinkler. Later...


  1. Demeur
    Take it easy,and try to cool off.
    I'm not feeling to good myself.
    Back to bed for me...

  2. Tiger, tiger, burning bright
    In the forest of the night
    What immortal hand or eye
    Framed thy fearful symmetry....

    Learned that poem at school some 60 years ago and have never forgotten it.

  3. That is unusual there so I guess AC's are not big. Just a week ago the entire eastern seaboard was triple digits today here it feels like fall. Hope it's short lived!

  4. I showed 100.4 degrees here today, loved it. Took a shower without having to turn on the propane heater for the shower.

    I just kicked back and eased along during the hottest part of the day. And my three day boating camping trip was perfect.

  5. I kind of enjoyed this heat wave. This has been the coldest summer in Port Angeles in the 6 years since I moved here. When I left California I thought I never wanted to see another hot day again. But now it's sort of a novelty.

  6. It is alway's hot in Texas in the summer month's, so I am used to it, we have had now about 18 or so day's at the 100 degree mark, which is a couple degree's above average, which I credit to global warming. But ... yeah ... I'm out in it daily, so it never has no effect on me actually .. and everything here is mega air conditioned as well. When I lived in town's like NYC/Brooklyn, Chicago and Toronto, we only had these lil window unit AC's, in them old brownstone building's we lived, here in Texas, everything damn near is new/ modern, and central AC/heat as far back as even the 1960's ... folk's just prepared for it here since heat in the summer was so common, and took advantage of technologies ... plus Texas is about the only state in continental US with it's own power grid.

  7. I used to ride the subway's daily in NYC ... goddamn, in the summer it would get so hot down there at time's, and a stuffy type of hot, alot different than down this way, you could just sweat bullet's sometime's waiting for the train when heat wave's came over the city, but unlike here, they were short wave's ... a few day's of heat, then a break ... here it is hot all summer. Yet we get these severe freak storm's in summer as well here, which will drop the temp sometime's 25 degree's in an hour here ... weirdest climate in the nation in Dallas, and I been all over the nation ... with wind's and storm's like yesterday afternoon in far North Dallas of 60 mph straight line wind's, with heavy downpour's.
