Thursday, August 5, 2010

A momentary break in the daily news

Maybe I need to find some of those strange sites that Crum (Lost in the Bozone) goes to.


  1. You silly, you can't smoke cats..;)

  2. Anyone who thinks people have a good time on pot should watch a cat enjoying catnip. Now that's enjoyment.

  3. Well fuck you too Billy. Just because you want to live in a tent like a hermit doesn't mean the rest of us do. ;-P

    Fuck you too, I'm not living in no tent, I just go camping with one at times. On the other hand, I don't need a fancy place, I like my place just fine, and it's free and clear, I like that.

    Drop by for a beer some day, I don't got pot but I got beer and I don't give a rats ass if you smoke pot with your beer.

  4. The drug users I don't like is those low life motherfuckers I'll be posting about in the morning.

  5. uh.....I should never come here after BBC has left a comment.....
