Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing like kicking people when they're down

Who would if they saw somebody down and needing medical care would tell them to just go away? We treat stray cats and injured birds with better respect. A dog stuck in a drain pipe gets more help than we're willing to give a neighbor.
For several weeks the Democrats in the senate have been trying to get funding for FMAP. That's the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages or Medicaid. The republicans have blocked this measure time and time again. With only a few days left before the August break some 30 states will be forced to come up with the money. This after slashing budgets to the bone and still facing shortfalls. Even if an amendment is passed in the senate covering this it still must go through the house which is already on vacation. It would mean calling back the house or waiting until September to get something done. Imagine being on a medication that needs monitoring or needing a desperate surgery only to have to wait until the political parties reach some agreement or the Dems do it by forcing it through. If that isn't the definition of a disease then I don't know what is.


  1. You live in a strange country. Certainly not one that any other country would deliberately choose to imitate.

  2. Blog Fodder
    Thank you. That about sums it up for me to. We should be ashamed. It's time we do something about it.
    Maybe it's time for a million bunch of former pussy's March on Washington.
    Maybe on the freaken day Glenn Beck has his rally.

  3. If we don't pare down the debt, how can we start future wars? You all need to think big picture.

  4. billions in war funding was passed in between their free senate hair cut and picture day with the local boy scout troop.

  5. I think Obama and/or congressional leaders should cancel these recesses when necessary bills are blocked. Republicans, and the spineless Democrats who keep enabling them, shouldn't be able to take their month-long vacations after they've stabbed their constituents in the back.

    Make them stay after school until their homework is done, so to speak.

  6. Good post, Demeur. I think Republicanism is a meme, or mind virus. 8-)

    Your analogy about the dog stuck in the drain pipe versus the neighbor who might need help is spot on.

    A relative of mine is a volunteer at her local animal shelter, and she has ultimate compassion for animals. I have never seen anyone who will go out of her way to treat the animals so well, find homes for them, and see that they get medical help if they need it.

    She is also a fundamentalist pentecostal right winger and "tea party" enthusiast. She often becomes quite venomous when it comes to people who might actually need help.

    This is a disconnect I am simply unable to understand.

  7. Blog Fodder I don't know what planet you're living on, but on this one every country tries to imitate the US...fashion, music, movies, trends etc...you can even go to little countries where they ride pigs and still find American culture out the wazoo...

  8. They will cancel social security if they can. First time I heard Romney stumping for McCain saying we were the big threat to the country as we try to take care of everyone i almost shit.

    Unfunded liabilities remember? Bush was reducing them and medicaid and medicare are only parts. First thing they are going to drop if they get in as they think is rescind health care reform. We are screwed if they get back in!

  9. Big Johnson Welcome to the blogsphere. I'm sure if you asked any of those countries if they'd give up their health care you'd get something to the effect of "are you kidding?"
