Friday, September 24, 2010

The beaver of Friday

They say the republicans are taking the lead in the polls. I'm beginning to think that it's a ploy to get democrats off their butts to vote. Looking at the teabaggers blather on about stuff they know nothing about it only makes for a good circus show. We've heard terms like communist, socialist, and fascist thrown around. Would the moderates really hook themselves to an extremist ideology? Some may but I give credit to the voters for being just a bit smarter. Some like my own father a dyed in the wool republican might have been duped that is until the company he worked for for nearly 40 years kicked him to the curb then it dawned on him that what he believed in for so many years wasn't in his own best interest.
Sadly nothing will change until there is campaign finance reform. They tried just yesterday to get a little transparency. A bill to require disclosure in political ads was just voted down. So please note at the bottom of ads who is paying for them because you'll never find out just who the Star Spangled Patriots for Peace and Freedom and the American Way really are even if you go to their website but you can sure bet it's tied to some lobby group.

I'm waiting for Tina Fey to add Christine O'Donnell to her repertoire. That will make for good circus.

Bank fails later...


  1. I have learned the secret to a happy life in the midst of the mid-american bible belt/political adversaries.

    I see nothing. I hear nothing. I say nothing.

    Ok. Ok. I'll admit that I KNOW nothing, but why open my mouth and prove it?

  2. Randal Big deal I left out Honor and Justice so sue me Fascist!

    Dana just what we need another sheeple.

  3. How about dwarfism... hey that's an ism...Cheers for the little people.

    All this name calling, can't we all just get along... Answer...NO

  4. We've heard terms like communist, socialist, and fascist thrown around.

    Labels are stupid in the house of mirrors.

    Would the moderates really hook themselves to an extremist ideology? Some may but I give credit to the voters for being just a bit smarter.

    So, you still faith in the intelligence of the American people?

    Exactly what can you do Billy? There's no work. When there is work they won't hire older workers. You can't sell your house either because it's not worth what you own on it or simply that nobody's buying.

    Buy a tent, or camper if you can afford one.

    If these clowns get to eliminate SS and Medicare and you get sick then where will you be?

    Dead, you have a fucking problem with being dead? Better get over that shit.

  5. I agree on the campaign finance reform. I am fairly accurate as sizing these thing's up Demeur, and what I see (calculate) isnt very optimistic, so much to the point where I have refused to even post what I see much, because it would sound to depressing to most actually. There is hope of course, by the way we do thing's, and the nonsense we believe, were not likely to see anything of actual change. Folk's should seriously look at this (yes, I will vote democrat, but simply to just get a couple bone's thrown my/ our way ... I dont think they are much better at doing anything in the people's interest actually, and sooner or later if they keep too much power they will get totally controlled themselves) But this nonsense and two party system was "created" by those at the top to keep us in constant battle, as a distraction so to speak. The situation with the current gvmnt line up to choose from that we have is basically hopeless guy, plain and simple, and I know folk's will whine, and say I sound pessimistic, etc ... so I dont write much about it ... because frankly guy, were like a dog chasing it's tail and getting nowhere's. Honestly guy ... were getting fucked on everything, and not a goddamn thing get's any better, so being over optimistic in my opinion over this bunch we have in power is downright stupid. If you even have half a brain and think half way logically, anyone should see that. I have also not much faith in the American people at this point, I am being honest, not trying to cut down anyone here.
