Sunday, September 26, 2010

Don't know what to title this

Welcome to the Dark Ages of the new millennium where reason is cast to the wind and insanity is raised as the new paradigm. So many souls lost in the name of 'my' god because your god is the wrong one. Metatron laughs a hearty laugh at you. A little information can be a dangerous thing you know. We'll demuslimafi them they say. Round them all up and burn their mosques because isn't that what we did during the war years of the 40s? Night is day and day is night and I don't care what scientists say. Your plan is a scheme and mine is what 'real' Americans think.

Do as I say not as I do. Have you seen the latest leather bondage club? I think you can even get diapers there and powder too. Say your wife is getting old and boring? We'll send over a new intern she's fresh from Vassar I'm told and not your cum laude variety if you know what I mean. Or how about a new page? We've checked their ids and know the boys are over 18. Maybe a trip to South America is more up you alley. We'd set you up with a Brazilian hottie and you could visit the next Olympic games. We could call it part of a push for our new South American trade agreements. Don't they grow soy beans there and they sure have a lot of nice lumber along the Amazon river?

How oh how did I get from the Dark Ages to an Amazon rain forest? That's right I was prepping for that next holiday with pumpkin heads and scary masks. Election season. Not that we haven't seen a berage of ads since August. Makes me wonder just how far they'll take it. Will we be seeing fangs horns and maybe even a tail on their opponent? How much more dirt can be dug? And forget the truth. Libel and slander are so yesterday. Who needs vampires or werewolves when we have human brained mice to contend with. Just hope they don't wear their condoms because condoms spread AIDS you know. And as always no touching below the belt.


  1. There's nothing can be done about those religious idiots other than to let it work its course out. I support the idea of them all killing each other, that's what they've been doing for thousands of years anyway.

    The idea that they'll ever get along together is nonsense, they've proved for thousands of years that they can't.

    Just stay out of the way.

    Here kitty, kitty, kitty

  2. Trying to believe that they will learn to get along is like trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    That boarders on being really stupid about that subject.

  3. That picture is cool! With perve4rted Religion on both sides of this mess and all around the world and self serving idiots all around we are screwed but just have to watch as we do not matter.

  4. That picture is cool! With perve4rted Religion on both sides of this mess and all around the world and self serving idiots all around we are screwed but just have to watch as we do not matter.
