Thursday, September 2, 2010

My ram is dying

No not that ram.

This ram

The little laptop is slowly giving up the ghost so while the resident computer expert is busy and I get to use the good puter for a minute or two. The lapdog is about 15 years old and moderately slow on a good day. It used to do videos okay but now I don't bother much as it's like running dial up. Do they still even have dial up? I remember those days. Click on a photo link and go to the bathroom and maybe the shot would be half downloaded.

So needless to say posts may be limited to early morning and late at night. Or when "the chair" is not occupied.


  1. My kids wife just bought a new laptop for around 300.00. I bought mine for almost 2500.00. I think that one for 300.00 can do everything mine can.
    I know 300 is 300 but when you get back on your feet, something to consider maybe.

  2. The laptop I was using cost $6 from the recycle store and worked well for about 2 years.
    If I get back on my feet I'll by a Mac. They work quite well until the hardware wears out. Gave away my first Mac that still ran perfectly after eight years.

  3. 56k was a Cthulhusend back in the old days.

  4. "Cthulhusend" -- LOL.

    I don't even have a laptop. I'm still using the PC I bought 6 years ago. If a new laptop is only $300 then I'm not too worried about the fateful day when this dinosaur (my computer, not me) dies.

  5. I have to laugh at what you put together! When I read your ram was dying my first thought was I didn't know you had sheep. Good luck with that, I hate these frigging necessary evils.

  6. 15 years old is too old for any computer to run today's software and surf the internut.

    Oh sure, they still have dial up. But you would be better off with a new 300 buck laptop and finding a free Wifi spot in your area, then you don't even have to pay for high speed internut.

    I'll be going off line for a few days myself so I can un sick my unit that some fucker hacked into.

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