Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Sunday

And time for the weekly installment of morning political talk shows. Avoidance of said programs is highly recommended by the shear fact that you will never see an opposing view and comic relief wears thin after endless talking points have been presented.
But I do have a theory as to the popularity of the latest clown that leads the pack from the republican clown car. Think for a minute. If you have exhausted every conceivable argument of the reverse Robin Hood doctrine that keeps your benefactors in the wealth that they have been accustom, and all of your stable of presidential hopefuls are looking more and more like third grade dropouts (sorry I know that's an insult to third grade dropouts) then what would you do? You would of course run the most unlikely destined to lose mouthpiece you could find. This would be knowing that he will lose and the candidate that you can really control who now resides in the white house will win by a landslide. I wonder just how long it took for them to turn Obama but I have my guesses. You may recall or not that Obama met with a few groups of the real money controllers in the Hamptons just prior to his election. And I'd bet that they laid down the law to him as they saw fit. He wasn't about to spoil their party which by the way is neither "democrat" nor republican. Think of any piece of legislation passed since he took office that didn't have tucked away in it yet another perk for the wealthy. And even those bills passed that did have a crumb for us working stiffs was watered down to the point of little or no benefit. All of this was under the guise of "ah gee I tried to get something better but I've been prevented". What better way to be a good servant serving a corporate master than to play into their hands.

You will note that none of these corporate criminals has seen so much as the inside of a courtroom. Even after senate and special investigations that clearly show wrong doing has our own Justice Department acted. It's only now that our federal government has failed to act that state attorney generals have brought the matter up to public scrutiny. Fraud is still fraud no matter how it's packaged and labeled. Just because it has a corporate label on it doesn't make it legal. And just because a president says it doesn't make something true or honest ( recall "I am not a crook"?) Indeed words and actions have become something to be closely watched. We've seen how congress espouses one thing on the senate floor and another at a town hall meeting. And now we have no meetings. So which is your true position on the matter senator? What's that you say? What day is it? And what city am I in? Oh we're so sorry we had to interrupt you from your meetings with lobbyists.


  1. Love the picture. Maybe he'll wear that when he welcomes the president of Beckybeckybeckystan.

  2. Bachmann was particularly awful on ABC this morning. Everything she was quoted as saying she didn't REALLY say, quoted out of context. And I'd forgotten what a really irritating voice she has.

  3. Plus she never, ever fails to mention she was a federal tax attorney...

  4. Interesting theory about Obama. About 40 years ago Gore Vidal said that the Powers That Be are in total control of our "elected" politicians. By the time any political candidate has even the remotest chance of getting elected, he/she is already completely bought and paid for and won't make a bit of difference by getting "elected."

    I didn't agree with his statement then, but now I think he's right.

  5. KRUSTY 2012? Who would provide me more entertainment, him, or Kodos? Choices, choices.

  6. I like that Mr. Graves. Yes indeed I do. But I'm confused is art imitating life or the other way around here?
