Thursday, November 10, 2011

Clean up on aisle 4

Enough is out now on Penn State football that I feel safe to comment. The extent of the damage will follow for some time into the future. And unlike someone at the very top who can hide behind the Justice Department this matter was dealt with swiftly with the ousting of Joe Paterno and others. If only someone would have done the right thing in the first place this might have been but a minor stain on the university's athletic program. But no it had to be swept under the rug in hopes that no one would see the lumpy carpet. Records and accomplishments will only take you so far in hiding an ugly reality and truth. But fear not the extent of the damage will be long forgotten in a generation or so. Because as we all know the show must go on and disgraced coaches are fairly quickly forgotten whether it's a chair thrown across a court or some stupid racial slur blurted out in anger in the end all is forgotten as years pass. Maybe that is for the better because after all coaches are picked from the human race and aren't the gods we make them out as.


  1. It is unbeliveably sad and it reminds me so much of the Catholic church situation. It's all based on what some people's messed up psyches and other people's messed up view of what's really important in life.

  2. Don't know anything about it, and don't give a shit.

  3. Don't mind that knock at the door, that's just the town of Green Bay out for blood.

  4. Damn kids shouldn't be tempting those fine old Catholic gentlemens in de showers.

    M Go Blue!

  5. Hey lighten up, I'm afraid to look under MY lumpy rug too.

    Roll Tide!

  6. Jim's right. Football has become something universities revolve around, instead of being one part of what a university is about and definitely subordinate to the main thing, which is education.

    The result is inevitable pressure to cover up any kind of wrongdoing that might discredit and interfere with the football program. And, of course, money is at the heart of it too, because the football program keeps money rolling in.

  7. What is actually the saddest thing about this in my book is the focus on how much money it will cost the university over the next foreseeable years. Money, why is everything about money?
