Friday, December 2, 2011

Ebenezer pussy says screw you all

Every get the feeling that Congress is dyslexic? You know the type. They read things backwards. Seems our congress has finished reading Robin Hood backwards robbing from the poor and giving to the rich and are now embarking on Dickens "A Christmas Carol" where Scrooge snatches all the presents he's bought returns them to the store for his cash back and skulks back to his lair. That said it's a tax increase for everyone next year Merry Christmas all. But this isn't the only punishment they've devised to lay on the masses.

There's more...

If it ever makes it through the sausage factory of our governmental grid locked congress you'll be happy to know that you can be arrested without warrant flown to a secret location never again to see the light of day. Humm I thought that was what we were fighting against in those far off lands. Have the republicans developed a Stockholm disorder or something? Just where would you put the 14+ million out of work folks of this country? Gitmo just isn't that big. Just remember to be kind to your neighbors if the powers that be start offering cash rewards for suspected terrorists you just might look tempting for a $1000 cash prize. I just have to wonder what's in the water supply in DC for people to come up with this stuff.

bank fails later --- Oddly enough there were no fails this week


  1. Doggone it, Demeur, I get the distinct impression you're a dissatisfied citizen — unlike Christmas kitty in the photo. All, I take it, because you haven't been trickled on lately.

    Maybe it would be best if Herman Cain were to be the GOP nominee and win the election. I say that because he might be so busy screwing his girlfriends he wouldn't have much time or energy left over for screwing the rest of us.

    Somehow, I don't see Romney, Perry or even Gingrich having that problem. I think they're hot to trot when it comes to getting a chance to screw the rest of us.

  2. It'd be irony if it weren't so scary.
    Oh, it is irony, but a bitter one.

  3. Something tells me we are just beginning the ugliness.

  4. How do you think Scrooge created all those jobs, by giving lumps of coal away?

  5. Don't take this personally, but I just turned you in to the FBI and Homeland Security. Money's been a little tight this month.

  6. I hate to say my standard line once again but I must. Everything that is askew with the fascist cops and are worthless Government and societal situation will get much worse.

  7. I just have to wonder what's in the water supply in DC for people to come up with this stuff.

    Shit man, it's just about power and them losing it.

  8. "'s a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard rain gonna fall..."

  9. After listening to Ukrainian/Russian logic in terms of "he must have done that because...", I understand how Stalin was able to have millions of traitors fingered. If it turns out to be just human logic and not totally Slavic in nature, your own government, when the time comes can expect to corral millions of traitors, turned in for crimes such as yours, Demeur.
