Friday, December 16, 2011

Pussies can do crazy things too ya know

I got nothing zip zilch nada.
And if you're smart you'll just keep you yap shut lest they cart you off to some foreign land for an undetermined amount of time.

bank fails later


  1. I've noticed a distinct lack of ambition on the interwebs today which leads me to the only possible conclusion, that the PTBs have managed to manipulate our brainwaves via the electrons in our computers as yet another form of control.

  2. No I think more writers block has been rampant. The drum line has to take a break at some point.

  3. Caption: "How was I supposed to know that mouse had a black belt in Chou Fang Duo Liaou?"

  4. Shit, I've written hundreds of posts that I've never had time to post, I just never run out of shit to write about.

    I'm pretty happy with this mild weather we've been having.

  5. "No I think more writers block has been rampant. The drum line has to take a break at some point."

    Amen to that. Real life has been intruding on my blogging activities. But when I check the "news" I see the same old blah, blah, hlah.

    Your neck-braced kitty's expression says it for me. ;)
