Sunday, December 18, 2011


Just thinking of the latest (insert name of the latest cool weapon here). We spend billions if not trillions of dollars trying to devise the latest most efficient methods for wiping the planet of the latest (insert latest enemy name here). Never once considering that it would be far cheaper in the long run to provide a little food clothing and shelter instead of bombs and bullets. How creative we've become in the carnage of warfare with drones and laser guided missiles. Never mind the fact that the next door neighbor might get added to the statistics when the smoke settles. But that's okay he and his family were probably sympathizers too even the baby and the dog.
So now it's official our military can roll down your street in a Bradly tank to arrest either you or your neighbor with no writ or warrant and there is nothing you can do about it. They have boiled the frog and he is ready for serving. We now have a full fledged dictatorship compliments of our U.S. Congress. It's fine for other countries to fight for freedom and democracy but just don't try that here buster or there'll be hell to pay. No standing on street corners or sidewalks and shouting your displeasure or it's pepper spray and baton for you. What are you going to do about it call a cop? And along those lines the creative engineers tried their best to foil such outrage with sound cannons and microwave devices. What they seemed to forget is that such demonstrations are never neat and pretty. Protesters don't just line up in a row to be mowed down and of course you have shoppers intermingled in the mix. Wouldn't want to deprive big business of their profits now. The last use of such a device resulted in the police getting whacked, hoisted by their own petard I believe the term is.

So just when will people stop the madness? Cool off step back and spend a little time actually learning about "them". It's always about "them" not us. We slap enough labels on "them". We try to make "them" different. "They" are the ones who probably did it. You know "them". "They" are not like us. "They" dress funny. "They" don't talk like us. "They" may be plotting something. "They" are out to get us. "They" have strange customs. "They" eat strange foods. "They" will cheat us if "they" get the chance. "They" are dirty. "They" are lazy. "They" are ignorant. "They" are stupid. "They" don't think like we do. "They" are radical. "They" hate us. "They" don't look like us. "They" are all alike.

Now step up to the mirror and take a good look. Couldn't the same thing be said about you?


  1. I've decided that all the killing is good as long as it isn't me being killed. If we started saving everyone mankind would soon expire from over population so I'm thankful that tens of thousands die or get killed everyday.

    (insert name of the latest cool weapon here)

    I don't know what it is but I wish I had it, I'd get rid of half the monkeys on this rock and make my own rules for the others to live by, if they didn't I'd get rid of them also.

    But I wouldn't use the race card, I would kill religions though.

  2. Sounds like some research for a new song by the group "Them".

    Firesign Theater had it right when Georgie Tirebiter loudly proclaimed, "I think we are all Bozos on this bus".

    Truer words and more presently appropriate words have never been uttered

  3. Those christians make fine weapons, yes?

  4. "I think we are all Bozos on this bus".

    And to think I want to lead these bozo's.

  5. I don't think Obama would do it, but we'll have another paranoid Nixon type, or an ugly-to-the-core, cyncial Cheney type in the White House one of these days. He will do to American political dissidents what the Argentinian generals did: disappear them. And in disappearing dissidents, he will bring on a reign of terror.

    It can happen here. Carl Levin ought to be read out of the Democratic Party and I wish Obama could be challenged for the Democratic nomination without ushering in one of the Republicans' evil clowns.

    Yeah, I know; if wishes were horses we'd all be riders.

  6. "We spend billions if not trillions of dollars trying to devise the latest most efficient methods for wiping the planet of the latest (insert latest enemy name here). Never once considering that it would be far cheaper in the long run to provide a little food clothing and shelter instead of bombs and bullets."

    Well, what do you know? I left here and immediately came across this:

    U.S. readies food aid to North Korea; nuke talks likely next

    "U.S. poised to announce food aid to North Korea this week; agreement by North Korea to suspend uranium enrichment program likely ...

    Maybe there's hope yet.

  7. Maybe there's hope yet.

    Bullshit, it's just a game the politicians play. A game they expect you to pay for.

  8. You will note that a few hours later Kim Jong died and that idea is on hold. We'll see what his spawn does. Hopefully not like father like son.

    Billy doesn't care as long as they aren't invading his front yard.

  9. The bozo bus is loading at gate three. :-)


  11. These so called elite or those who want to create more of a dictator state, are gonna be in for a treat in this country when it start's to backfire on them as well ... enough from me on this though ... Thanx for the read Demeur
