Friday, December 30, 2011

What would Friday be without the Friday pussy

Cunning little creature these felines. Hope she has strong nails.

U.S. to sell Iraq $11 billion dollars worth of aircraft.
Nothing like a housewarming gift after you've destroyed the neighbors' home. They haven't rebuilt most of Iraq but they'll need a new fleet of F-15s to protect what exactly? Wouldn't happen to be their oil fields so we can steal all the oil now would it? And now to sell the Saudis a bunch of fighter jets too. What's next an aircraft carrier to Afghanistan?

Russian nuclear sub catches fire
I see they at least had the foresight to off load all the missiles first. I'll bet the fire watch is going to be in big trouble that is if they even use one.

Spain tries to cut it's debt further
Nothing like slapping more taxes and spending cuts on people who can least afford it. Yeah that will make the economy just sing. Italy to it's credit was smart enough to start putting people back to work with spending on it's infrastructure. I say we fire the lot of congress and hire an economics professional that knows how to do things. These "job creators" aren't creating jobs.

bank fails later


  1. *yawns*

    It's just a bunch of monkeys fucking around. I'm just thankful there isn't that kind of fucking around here.

    Nice looking pussy.

  2. Job creators? Hah!

    Re: selling the Saudis F-15's. The more the better. We need the money, and they need to do something to help us balance our insane trade deficit.

  3. Wish I had a couple of A-10's.

  4. BBC, not if you had to pay to fuel and maintain them. :)

  5. Well, at least I can afford to fill the tank on the truck today, and buy another brick of 22 shells. :-)

  6. Military weapons to the Saudi's?
    My gosh look what they did with just box cutters...

  7. Damn I've forgotten all the hoops you have to jump threw...Saudi's buying Military weapons...good grief...look what they did with box cutters...
