Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Pretty quiet here at casa Demeur last night. I never go out any more, too many amateur idiots on the road plus those days are long behind me now. Last year was soon to be forgotten and mediocre at best. I did make it one more revolution around the sun so that's a plus. Is it me or is there not much to look forward to as we get older? Yes there are the run of the mill birthdays and anniversaries that I pretty much don't celebrate any more either but for the most part the excitement is gone. No more counting down the days until some special day because most days are the same. Maybe you get to a point in life where you've seen it all, been there, done that and as BB King would say "the thrill is gone". You get to a point where you pretty much know how something is going to work out before it does because you've been down that road once before or at least witnessed it in the past. But how quickly people forget their history yet now with the internet it's neatly tucked away on some Youtube video somewhere. Makes you wonder what that will do to coming generations. They are lucky to have the attention span of a gnat these days, imagine how grandma will get along when she's forgotten her smart phone password or even where she put it. Don't they have an app for that? Forget "help I've fallen and I can't get up" it will be "help I've lost my phone and I can't remember anybody's name or address".

I guess I'm very old school when it comes to some of the little things. I never rely on electronic devices for everyday information. If it's something truly important I write it down with pen and paper. I can't tell you how many times the boss was at a total loss because the battery died in their phone. One boss couldn't tell time without his phone which made it interesting when he left it at home one day. I still wear an old Timex that keeps on ticking.

And speaking of time it's about the end of this ramble. Time to sit back and listen to the arteries harden and watch the rest of the body parts wearing out. Now what was I going to do?


  1. "Last year was soon to be forgotten and mediocre at best."

    You're being too charitable. I think last year was right up there with 1968, which was an unmitigated disaster. I can think of several other total-loser years, too.

    Re: pen and paper vs. electronic device. Both have their place. Your approach is intelligent and pragmatic. You're not alone, BTW. I do the same thing, although I admit I would hate to have to take down pages of notes or even write a three-page letter without a keyboard. I could do either, but wouldn't choose to unless there was some compelling reason to write by hand.

  2. Most of us could turn these things off and go do something else and be better off because of it.

    I took Helen for an enjoyable 3 1/2 hour ride, it sure was nice here today.

  3. Oh, went to bed about seven last night.

  4. happened to have loved 1968. Great music.

    Happy new year.

  5. Why do folks say happy new year to everyone? Does this include a happy new year to the bankers and politicians also?

    Because I think they'll have a hell of a lot better year than we will.

  6. You folks sure have a lot of fun over there, a lady park ranger shot and four shot at a house party.

  7. On a brighter note an Issaquah couple was caught having sex in their car. Good for them.

  8. I hear you - I think the older we get the less exciting things are. When I was young there were lots of things I looked forward to, now not so much. I still memorize phone numbers so I luckily don't rely on the phone to remember them, although they are in there. Happy New Year and let's hope 2012 is better than this past one!

  9. Let me see. 1968 wasn't a terribly bad year as I recall at least for me personally. And Roger is right the music was good then.

  10. Indeed the music was good, very good.

    Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland?

  11. I believe you have all the rest of us for company, oh well, the passing of time!

  12. Oh yeah, I watched New Year celebrations in a dozen different countries when I woke up in the morning, works for me.

  13. I have not tried to remember a phone number since they invented mobile phones with memories. And you are so right, it sets you up for a fall when you lose the phone or the battery runs out. But I have back ups on my computer and on a separate hard drive, which reminds me I need to back up tonight.

    In the old days I wrote all my numbers in a book and NO back up. Lost the book one time and let me tell you, it was no fun either.

    1968 - MLK, RFK and the Chicago riots at the Democratic Convention would have made it a bad year, for sure.
