Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Which republican candidate would you choose?

Come on now time is running out. Make up your mind ladies and gentlemen.

Okay easier question. Which was your favorite stooge? You can't offend anyone now they're all long dead. Mine was Curly (the first one to play the part in the lower left). I even got a hair cut like his way back when because I had an abusive teacher who liked to pull hair. Man would she have been booted out of school these days for the things she did back then. But in looking at the news today I see not much has changed in the last 50+ years Boy stuffed in duffle bag, mom opts for home schooling

Also know you couldn't do half the stunts these guys did back then today or teachers either.


  1. Autistic kids can be a real problem, she bred him she can school him, and support him for the rest of his life if she has to..

  2. Curley! Man I wouldn't vote for any of them but Romney was the obvious nominee from day one. He fucked up my state in many regards not just the big dig debacle.

    We got a record amount of money from the Fed because he was a Republican and Bush wanted this state.

  3. Curly was my favorite too; probably everybody's. I can do a fair to middlin' imitation of him -- me and a few million other people.

  4. Larry - I think it was the receding hairline.

  5. Actually, I don't get worked up about the primaries, this state isn't in that playing field.

    In the general election I get to vote for the idiot of my choice, that won't make things better any fucking way.

  6. Billy you were supposed to pick one of the dead stooges not one of the living ones.

  7. I never did watch them much so don't have a favorite.

  8. Curly, but Shemp is real real underrated.

    I like the bag idea. Get acres of burlap, sew 'em together into a big sack, stuff it full of every politician that walks the land, fill it with big rocks, and drop it in the Marianas trench.
