Friday, January 6, 2012

You don't have to be crazy...

To be a New Hampshire republican state senator. But it sure helps.

The bills these guys came up with defy logic. Where to start? One bill requires all legislation to be matched up to the Magna Carta. Exactly how today's legislation relates to a charter that gave English barons more power in 1215 is beyond anyone's imagination and even the idiot state senators didn't bother to do their history homework as they didn't know either.

Right to starve re (work?). Failing to pass this republican agenda several times before they thought they'd try again but this time lay the burden on state employees requiring them to pay part of the union dues even if they chose to be non union. Considering most state employees make about 25% less in pay than the private sector this is nothing more than another take away for workers. And funny how legislators can vote themselves a raise and benefits at any time, the public be damned.

Education or lack there of. Another bill would require all schools to offer alternative courses if a parent found said course offensive or something to that effect. This would be for any courses offered. Some type of alternate course would have to be offered by the school district. You could just imagine the chaos that would create not to mention the bankrupting of the educational system.
Of course what republican agenda would be complete without some anti evolution legislation. In spite of all scientific evidence to the contrary these geniuses would like nothing more than to pull us back to an era when the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth. Maybe God had a hangover the day he created these governing idiots. But all is well the bright eyed senators in another bill will let you take your guns to school. Hope you keep your safety on during "show and tell" boys and girls. "Gee can we even bring them to the floor of the state legislature too senators"? I'll bet not.

There are more idiotic bills there but I thought you'd get a kick seeing these. If there was a New Years award for the dumbest legislation these guys would be at the forefront. Help me out here guys all I can think of for the moment is the Fickle Finger of Fate from the old Laugh In days.


  1. It's okay, it'll all be over in 40/50 years.

  2. That's okay I won't be around to see that anyway. P

  3. The Magna Carta? I thought all the yokels were fixated on the Constitution and their narrow interpretation of it. What will it be next, basing legislation on the Code of Hammurabi? It dates back to about 1772 BC. But that might not be enough, because I think many of these people would like to take us all the way back to the Stone Age.

  4. I wonder if any of those crackpots know or care that although it was an important landmark on the long, hard road to modern democracy, the Magna Carta was written in Britain. I doubt any other state governments have patterned laws on ancient foreign compacts. At least not since the early days of the republic.

  5. High, mortal human. I'm not originally FROM this whorizontal earth; I'm from the Great Beyond, soon to go back amidst the stars. Just stopping in to say HIGH. God bless you.
