Friday, February 24, 2012

All hail Lava Lamp and the friday pussy

This post was supposed to be about an arcane idea about a non symbolic symbol and the absurdity of worshiping artifacts but as one thing lead to another and after some browser crashes I stumbled upon an article so poorly written that I just couldn't help myself. I hate beating a dead horse or watching a dead cat bounce but the story isn't finished and won't be for some time. Our government is never in a hurry to resolve issues of great importance that is unless there's money to be made like the abundance of oil fields in Iraq. Come on face it you know that's the only reason we went there in the first place. New Orleans of course was another matter, it could wait because the French quarter was barely touched.

Syria one more time, maybe

The writer of this little news ditty forgot to do his homework because had he watched even the slightest bit from the web he would have seen the war up close and personal. He would have known that the area in question is not "held" by anybody but more like a target on a firing range. He'd also know that the streets are empty during the day as the populace tries to avoid at all costs being shot or shelled into the here after. It's only at night that it's safe enough to venture out to look for food, water and attend protest rallies. And as Russia has been supplying the current regime with all the military hardware it could ever hope for, no sanctions imposed will have any effect on the present bloodbath. Hate to say it but this looks like another job like Libya where brute force will be necessary in order to stem the tide of bloodshed. Whether Russia would intervene on behalf of the dictator is still a major question. One thing is certain patience is wearing thin and supplies to the people have run out. The reporter from my first post on this subject was killed that very night yet his family continued as a documentation of the event. If that isn't pure determination then I don't know what is.

As usual the bank fails if any later.

Two more failed one in Ga. and one in Mn.


  1. You say poorly written like it's a bad thing. The Syrians should tell everyone they found, in the midst of digging shelter, big veins of valuable minerals, we'll be in there like maggots on a corpse.

  2. I wish Hillery would mind her own fucking business, like cooking for and fucking Bill. Why should she care about who is getting killed over there.

    But yeah, our stupid fucking government will give Syrian rebels arms and all that shit. Then in ten or twenty years will be fighting the rebels that rose to the top.

  3. I think Russia and China are making a big mistake. At the same time, it's hard to agree with Clinton's optimism. That is, unless she knows the CIA is about to air drop arms to the rebels, and lots of them.

    Assad and his Russian and Chinese pals have probably calculated the U.S. is in no mood or condition to get into another conflict on the ground in the Mideast. Maybe not even from the air.

    The rebels' smartest move for now would be to wave the white flag and make nice. Then, start forming an underground resistance and seek outside help for a better fight on another day. That would be dangerous, but not as dangerous as being blown to pieces in relentless artillery barrages.
