Thursday, February 2, 2012

What was I going to say?

Think I'm starting to lose it. I thought for sure I had a post all set to go for today. Maybe the beginning of that old timers disease? But with age comes wisdom. My usual trick for relaying events when the gray matter has turned to pink slime is to say that it happened about two week ago and that is sufficient. Nobody really cares anyway because I'm not running for public office so so what if FDR was around when there was no TV. This isn't Dragnet and you don't need to know all the facts and nothing but the facts. Now where was I? Can't even remember what little snippet I had set to dump here. Is this the beginning of the end? You know how that goes when mother nature has her way with you. First the vision starts going. Used to be able to read that mouse print disclaimer at the bottom of the ads and now nobody asks if I'd thread a needle for them anymore because they know I can't without multiple magnification and three hands. Then the audio portion of the program starts to fade. But as cover you laugh at the funny parts of TV shows with the rest of the audience because you don't want to look like the dunce. And here's a little something for the ladies. It's not that hubby wasn't paying attention to what you're saying (well most times) it's that he can't hear you. Proven fact that men lose a certain portion of the tonal range when they get older and guess where that range is? Yep it's the pitch of the female voice. Ah there may be a god after all. Hey put that rolling pin down there an explanation here! Men really don't care about all the miniscule details of any event. They don't care one bit if Betty Lou's dress matched her shoes or not or the convoluted genealogical progression of her kin folk. We could care less about how many cousins four times removed because it really doesn't matter you're not writing a police report Sgt. Friday.

Did I mention the beginnings of the lack of patience. Oh course I didn't I just forgot. I think I know the root cause of that. You see people who have been on this planet long enough have experienced just about everything there is to experience. So nine times out of ten they know exactly what's going to happen before it does. Not many surprises left for us old fogies. So as you fumble for your wallet at the store when we know you left it in the car don't blame us for being irritated. We've already been down that road before once too often so get over it. Now where the hell did I park the car?


  1. I have one of those doo dads to thread needles with.

  2. I told you that what you posted isn't a gif file, at least it wasn't by the time it got posted on your blog.

    And it wasn't too big, we post videos on Blogger all the time. If you want a gif file on your post do a drag/drop instead of uploading it to Blogger.

  3. When you started off talking about pink slime, I thought you were going to talk about McDonald's, and the pink slime that they aren't using on their burgers any more.

  4. When you started off talking about pink slime, I thought you were going to talk about McDonald's,

    That does it, I'm not eating at McDonald's anymore if I can't get some pink slime.

  5. Ah yes, the pleasures of age. You forgot to mention how when we squat down we can't stand up again without holding on to a nearby chair or table!

  6. LOL! I resemble a lot of what you posted there, Demeur... ! 8-)
