Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday beaver time

And this lucky beaver gets to paddle across his beaver pond having avoided the trappers cage.

It's lucky beaver time. Which fool will part with their hard earned bucks at a shot at 1/2 billion? Okay well after taxes it'll be half that much but I think I could have a good time. Actually you have better odds of getting hit by lightening and being eaten by both a black and a polar bear in the same day. Don't get me wrong I do play the odds but never for that reason. In fact I'd say I've beaten the odds more than once over the years. Just wonder who gets to take a dirt nap next. My friends are dropping like flies.

Not much in the news of late that hasn't bee hashed and rehashed. You know it's bad when articles like what to do with cumquats to lose weight start appearing in yahoo news. Don't forget to save your Canadian pennies folks they could be collectors' items. Now let me just pump $9.99 worth of gas and demand my penny when I give the clerk a ten spot. I'm like that ya know.

Too much to do and crappy weather. Somebody want to turn off the spigot? Oh well this is Western Washington after all. Can't remember when the last time I used an umbrella. That's what hats were made for. What kills me is seeing people in shorts with socks and sandals. What a fashion statement. And you see that all winter around here even when it snows.

Bank fails later if I think about it.


  1. Gimme a penny. Heads or tails. Amusing thoughts.

  2. Glad to see the pennies gone. They were an expensive nuisance. Give them change in matchbooks if they insist.

  3. In Jack in the Box the other day was two really fat people in shorts with socks and sandals. Disgusting.

  4. Half a billion? Is there a drawing for an abandoned Russian bioweapons factory?

  5. Welcome Garnet. As you can see this place is frequented by old fools, cranks, crack pots, and snarky librarians. Just ignore the guy with the British news monicker (BBC) we only let him out on special occasions. :-)

    Darn it Fodder! I want my penny.

  6. And speak of the devil a librarian shows up right on cue.

    No Randal but I'd bet you could pick up a played out oil well for that price. Or maybe a reactor at Fukushima might fit the bill.

  7. Damn it, Demeur! Old fools, cranks, crack pots, and snarky librarians! Who ratted me out? FYI, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a librarian!

  8. PS- I am the old fool, cracked pot, snarky non-librarian above who forgot to add her name...

  9. I know this isn't the point, but when beavers 'get lucky' we all benefit from the wetlands they create...that's the kind of lottery that pays every time!

    Worth A Dam
