Friday, March 16, 2012

Poor Pussy

Poor Mittens. Looks like Obama has got his eyes on your Swiss accounts and all that cool cat cash sitting there. While rummaging through the usual bad film star hair day blurbs and latest sports hero gaffe a touch of serious news.

On March 4, the Swiss parliament approved an amendment to the country's existing tax accord with the U.S., which, when ratified by the U.S. Senate, will give the American government unprecedented access to accounts held by its citizens in Switzerland.

Of course those in the know were on to the latest years ago and moved their money to Luxembourg or other money grubbing nation on the planet. Rich people got to stick together you know. Now if the super sleuths would just take a peek in the largely empty office building in the Caymans that accommodates over 2000 companies... Humm? Just how would they squeeze that many receptionists into a building so small.

The financial news is on it psychotic roller coaster ride touting buy one day and sell the next. The sky will fall unless everything is coming up roses or maybe roses falling from the sky I just don't know.

Darn now I lost my train of thought. It must have left the station without me so on that note I'll catch you later with the latest of bank fails.


  1. And it's all just figures, smoke screens and mirrors. Oh well, lets kill a bunch of them, I've given up on humanity and like the sight of empty mansions in the morning.

  2. Somebody was wearing a t shirt that said "eat the rich" and I thought eewww too fatty.

  3. Fat can be rendered into good things.

  4. Hey, Paris Hilton isn't fat, just homely and stupid.

  5. As long as the rich fucks don't eventually invade Liechtenstein. Those poor saps don't even get a Champions League spot.

  6. BBC is correct, fat can be rendered into good things, but not if I eat it first... I like it when it is nice and crispy! Mmmmm! 8-)
