Saturday, April 7, 2012

The republican concept of women

chattel n. an item of personal property which is movable, as distinguished from real property (land and improvements).

Ever notice at political events how the candidates display their wives as if they were some trained pet brought out as prized possession that took years to capture. Definitely true of Newt who after many attempts finally found one to his liking. Again they have this idea that we never left the 1950s where women had their place in the kitchen. I really have to wonder how that all worked out seeing as how sex before marriage back then was verboten and divorce was almost unheard of except in Tinsel town.
But how hypocritical is it of them today to present their " family values" (what ever that elusive concept is) while out of the public eye live a life that would make Caligula blush. They may think they can hide the skeletons of their past but there's always some tattle tale more than willing to spill the beans.

Just thinking about the way the party runs and thinks becomes telling when you stop to think who the front runners are. A Mormon and two Catholics make up the lead positions. Not that religion were to matter if they'd keep it from creeping into their plans to run the country. But the methodology fits the republican mind set. They grew up taking orders from superiors whether it be a nun, priest, or church elder. They will march lack step off a cliff if told to do so. They were taught never to question those in charge because "father" knows best. And we've seen the sick consequences of that method with the pedophile scandals but that's another story. I give credit to presidents Kennedy and Carter for realizing the separation of church and state.

Exactly where they stand on any issue is a bit difficult to determine because that position seems to change with the audience. "Cheezy grits" was supposed to invoke some type of commonality like "I'm just one of the good ole boys just like you" but it didn't work. You might be able to espouse the virtues of an anti abortion anti birth control position at a Knights of Columbus meeting in the south but it won't fly in Oakland, California. They may think that the Etch a Sketch will save the day but this isn't the 50s anymore. With cell phone cameras focused ever word and nuance is captured for posterity and easily played back on You tube for all to see. Just what is your position on the subject today? I've seen more consistency out of some of the south american dictators than these candidates. So who would want one of them gracing the halls of the White House? They have tried so hard to foist their own short comings on to the president with very little success.

The last issue from what I've gathered over the last few years (This election thing seems like it's years in the making) is that they have objectified nearly every group of Americans and not just women. This should come as no surprise, it's the blatant signs of an inferiority complex. So I have to wonder just who they have left to pander to. How small a base of people who haven't at some point been insulted by their remarks do they have left? How much more humiliation must women and the rest of us for that matter endure before these guys lose big time? No war on women? Just look no farther than the bills they've past since taking office.

So as this clown car slowly runs out of gas keep a sharp focus on the House and Senate races. There may be some shake ups there if the radical agenda of the right continues. I'm sure there's a bit of buyers remorse with some of the candidates especially in Wisconsin.


  1. Actually, it's looking more and more like the GOP doesn't regard women as chattel- they think of them as CATTLE. Chattel would be a step up...

  2. I do disagree w you on one thing - little Ricky DOES seem to believe what he says. Now the OTHER two...
    Worse are Republican women like Nikki Haley (gov, SC) who seems to believe women don't even CARE about the issue of contraception.

  3. Stop trying to figure out folitics, it's all smoke screens, mirrors and bullshit.

  4. The Rethugs have no intention of winning in 2012 unless by accident. They are focusing on winning states and senate/congress so they can wreak more havoc on the country. Come 2016, they will be in position to strike hard and clean up.

  5. Looks like the primary is a done deal and being as there is no good choices you just need to decide which chimp to vote for.
