Monday, April 2, 2012

They just don't get it

I spoke with a republican the other day. Some how the issue of the pink slime came up in conversation. The non informed caller being fearful of what's being put into our food products asked "How could they do something like that?" Normally I'd jump at the change at giving an explanation. I thought a minute and just figured it was a waste of breath and time. Republicans don't want to hear the truth. They don't want to face up to the fact that their party is bought and paid for by corporations who's only motivation is profit and the people be damned. They don't wish to acknowledge that it's their party that always wants less regulation of commerce. Or that when there are cuts to be made it's always to the agencies that protect our life and health. Forget even the most objective of conversation on climate change because they don't want to hear it. They scoff at California when that state comes up with a bit more rigid environmental standards mainly because they don't live there and haven't witnessed a major pollution alert. They haven't seen with their own eyes the greenish grey haze over the skies when flying into Los Angeles International. Or maybe they did and just didn't care. Not quite as noticeable at ground level and anyway they'll be in an air conditioned room soon enough.

No it's pointless to try and convince someone of the facts until it's too late. Until they're gasping for breath on their death bed then it will be their job to shoot the messenger. They made their own death bed now they can lay in it. Another bone of contention is their thinking that certain things should be free never realizing that everything has a price. "What do you mean I can't dump my trash at the annual clean up day for free any more"? "This is an outrage"! Failing to realize that it was their ideology that got them there in the first place. But they'd never realize that if such things were made for profit as they would like it, that they'd be paying four times as much. Not that most trash hauling companies aren't less than honest right now, but I think you get the picture. But the "something for nothing crowd" would have it no other way. They seem to work diligently against their own ends. Sorry guys but you can't have it both ways. You can't have your cake and eat it too. There is no free lunch. What's that you say? "No government health care but keep your hands off Medicare, my government run health care.

There is no rationalizing with irrational people so I save my breath and go on to the next topic.


  1. There's a horror movie dying to be made. You eat enough stuff with pink slime, you turn into pink slime and these new blobs of pink slime crawl around trying to force more humans to become pink slime. Practically writes itself. Just add explosions.

  2. Everything but explosions is pointless.

  3. BBC, you remind me of the guy on Muppets who always was blowing stuff up. I quite liked his approach.

  4. BBC has something beautifully anarchic about him....that's why I've adopted him as my dad...

    Hi blog addy is

  5. Wonderful post, you pretty much sum up the inconsistency of the Republican mindset.

  6. We've obviously gotten into a situation where a whole lot of Americans don't think well. They can't seem to get and keep straight the difference between facts and opinions. They think one's as valid as the other because, after all, everyone has a right to their opinion. Ergo, one person's opinion is as good as another's.

    Of course, if someone's opinions are based on facts and arrived at using some disciplined logic, 999 times out of 1,000, that person's opinion will be worth a lot more than the opinion of someone who's uninformed or misinformed, or of someone who wants to believe things are a certain way, never mind about facts.

    I think many crackpots probably had parents who were that way. I think they also either failed to get much out of teachers' efforts to educate them or had teachers who were crackpots.

    What makes this situation so bad is that we have media millionaires, corporations and politician millionaires who've achieved great success by exploiting the crackpot's inability and/or unwillingness to think well.

    To survive, democracy depends on well and honestly informed people being able, and willing, to make sense of their situation and vote in their own best interests. Right now, somewhere between 23 percent and 30 percent of the population seems to not fit that description.

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