Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Up yours boys Blogger now sucks. The weasly geeks just couldn't leave well enough alone they just had to fuck with things so this may be my last post. You can now catch me on


  1. Is that a directional signal to WordPress?

  2. This isn't going to require some Wordpress sign up crap, is it?

  3. Oh man, I don't like Wordpress, don't much like Blogger sometimes also but I'm sticking with it.

  4. Did you know that you have comment moderation turned on at Wordpress?

  5. You can depend on Wordpress doing what Goggle does, always be changing things, fucking geeks.

  6. At your Blogger dashboard up near the right corner is a little gear icon, hover your mouse over it and in the popup menu you can select Old Interface.

  7. I mean click on the gear icon.

  8. So what can we do as a society to change this alarming trend? We need widespread lifestyle reform. We need to put the population not just on a quick fix diet, but on a life changing health regimen. Perhaps we should start by making all the kids walk to school. Oh yeah, there aren't enough sidewalks in many towns. Perhaps they can ride their bikes? Oh, same problem; no bike paths. How about increasing physical education in the schools? Darn, there isn't any money for that. And those standardized tests show kids need more classroom time. We've already tried improving the cafeteria food to much healthier choices, but most kids either won't eat it or bring junk food from home. So years past with scientific monitoring of each progran in action using advanced training and monitoring equipment, until we gad the formula down to a tee. Hollywood Stars did'nt come knocking over night though. It took another few years of the word getting around that there was a new training program which is getting any body, any size or any shape, lean, and toned in weeks. Then once the first few celebrities enquired about following the secret program in just went crazy, every body wanted to know about this new fad in weight loss. Tips to Buy Phentermine Online A lot of individuals have already given up losing weights even though they know that it is more beneficial to stay healthy rather than overweight. The problem is that, losing the extra weight or bulges is not easy as it sounds. Yes! A daily workout and right kind of food can really help anyone be fit, but it takes a great resolve and discipline to make someone stick to this routine. Furthermore, not all fat burners' works as promise and this is why you are still fat. So what is the solution, what else but a fat burner to finally rid and burn those fats for good.
