Friday, May 18, 2012

Beaver Friday and it's special

(From a certain blogger who shall remain nameless. His wife may have found the frying pans and if she reads this one...)

Not much in the usual of wash rinse and repeat news cycle today. You know things are slow when they start showing the latest otter litter from some far off zoo or the cat chasing the dog videos. As for me I've been busy fixing the fixes which were supposed to be fixed in the first place. What's that about if you want something done right you'll have to do it yourself? Gadfrey this wartime help is something else. You would think with all the information we have at our fingertips people could actually learn a thing or two about repairs. There's even videos on just about any fix for those that can't read and translators for those that don't speak the language. But I guess our means of communication has been reduced to three letter abbreviations he said lol. So with a lack of sleep, an over abundance of sugar, a diet high in fat and a lack of exercise our spawn have the attention spans of gnats. Quit reading the text messages and watch where you're going there's a power pole right in front of you you're about to walk into. Should we warn them? Naaah, might knock some sense into em after the second or third time maybe.

So BFLiITAI translation = bank fails later if I think about it.

Yep one bank in Alabama hits the skids this week.


  1. I put my new riding mower together this morning, I'll post about that tomorrow, I had a hell of a time finding a part number for a mulching plate for it, even a chat session with a Sears service rep came up empty, I found the part number on some internut question and answer site.

  2. The craziest thing about the 21st century? That, even working on a college campus, I've yet to see one person crash into a wall or telephone pole (or another person) due to gabbing/texting. Frankly, I feel cheated.

  3. Eventually there is a part for everything somewhere out there.

    Randal you just haven't been paying attention then so no operating heavy machinery when you're not paying attention.

  4. Even more embarrassing : being unable to spell the word...

  5. I've started my annual warm-weather war of attrition with several chronic dry lawn spots the sprinkler system misses. Part of the problem, I'm convinced, is that we have tired dirt. To make matters worse, there's a couple of places where the tired dirt is thinly deposited on gravel that gets hot and cooks the grass at the roots. I've tried several remedies, but none provided more than a temporary fix at best.

    Ultimately, that area would have to be dug out with a small tractor, filled in with rich black dirt infused with several pounds of grass seed and bathed daily with generous amounts of water laced with fertilizer. Oh, and all that comes after taking down a three-stories-tall pine tree.

    The problem is, as badly as my missus wants the brown spots to get and stay a nice, lush green, she doesn't want to spend $1,000 or more to make it happen. I'm not to keen on that either. So, I'm thinking Astroturf or a can of spray paint. :)

  6. I had a similar problem last year SW after they dug up and replaced the water main. It's taken nearly a year to get things back to normal. Sorry but after all the fiddle farting around you might as well do the job right. It's cost effective in the long run.

  7. Even more embarrassing : being unable to spell the word...

  8. And. That's a wombat, not a beaver.
