Saturday, May 5, 2012


Gee thanks guys. The boys over at Google (eblogger) decided that I wasn't me and deleted my blog. So if you were having problems getting here today actually yesterday then you know who to throw the turds at. Now if I can just figure out how to move the furniture here over to my new account at word press things may be better. In the mean time I'll hang around here unbolting the plumbing and removing the pictures from the walls. It is truly frustrating to know that they are tearing your house down while you are still living in it. Now I know what somebody going though foreclosure feels like.

So if you come here and find a deleted blog it's not that I've croaked or am being snooty. It's just those geeks messing around trying to fix things that don't need fixed. Now if I can just get the hang of Word Press I'll get a gas can and burn this place down before I leave. And sorry if my new digs look a little spartan but you know how that is living out of boxes when you first move in. Now where did I leave the hammer and nails? Pictures won't hang themselves.

New address is

Actually the code for the link is correct so somehow the boys at blogger are messing with me. So to get to my new digs just copy and paste the URL if you would.


  1. How can they have deleted your blog when you just posted this on it?

    Anyways, I will check out the new place.

    It took me weeks to get my WP site even half way presentable and I am still unhappy with it, just to damn busy to play around with it again.

    Good luck dude.

  2. BTW, the link goes nowhere except back to Blogger.

  3. That happened to me a while back, you can get the old blog back, in fact it's clearly back now. If Blogger detects someone trying to hack into your account they remove it but you can get it back by changing a couple of passwords.

    And like he said, the link is bad.

  4. If Blogger deletes you because of a terms of service complaint they'll send you an email stating so, otherwise you can always get your blog back.

  5. I'm convinced all this is demeur's stab at performance art.

  6. Seems like everyone and their brother has been complaining about blogger lately. Think they have some disgruntled geek types who are deliberately trying to sabotage them?

    I set a bookmark for the Wordpress site a while back, and it comes up at:

  7. Thanks all. No this isn't a performance. I wasn't able to get on to blogger until nearly midnight. It kept telling me I was a nobody even though I've been here for 5 1/2 years.

    I think your right Cynth it's the nerds revenge. The link to WP is correct. And in the process of trying to find information about WP I've been going around in circles all night. Can anyone teach these young kids how to think logically?

  8. They don't have to think logically, they have better drugs than we do and this is their playground. They just let us play in it also.

  9. But are you really you? Only you know for sure, but which you?

    I did indeed come over here yesterday and wonder WTF happened to you. I've got your Wordpress site bookmarked.

  10. All well and good Tom until the geeks at WP start messing with us.

  11. fuck me runnin'

    I get this shit when I try to go legit.


  12. you can copy your Blogger blog to WP en masse. I did it on the 5th anniversary of my Blogger blog 2 years ago.
