Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mixed nuts and other mental digressions

If you've made it thus far in this extended holiday weekend without being stabbed shot or eaten by a bear or tiger then you're ahead of the curve. If the house is still standing and the plumbing still works then it's a plus. But we all know how Mr Fate can appear from out of nowhere and change all that. Murphy was an optimist or so they say. Nothing major at the moment here at casa demeur. Life seems to be wash rinse repeat as usual but as we all know that too could change in an instant. News wise however I see the reporters too are on holiday as the host of cute animal stories are set on auto recycle. "Boss what do you mean I need to hype the story of the cat getting out of the cereal box"? Not enough fillers to fill a half hour and the weather isn't that exciting? Just flip on the police scanner and the latest and greatest of drunken trollops is making her way naked down main street spraying whipped cream from a can. Should be good for a momentary laugh.

Tradition is dead. Not that there ever really was any here. Just a momentary remembrance of a passing soul lost to a forgotten conflict. How did that war start anyway? I couldn't recall. Way too young for me to understand. Makes one wonder if the troops coming home really are the lucky ones. Sans two legs or an arm is no picnic and the mental scares are another topic. And what do they mean "don't be such a baby suck it up and get over it"? We aren't the ones with the titanium limbs. Life is so easy for the guy who never saw someone's entrails splattered all over the desert floor. Brains in you lap will leave a lasting image and many a nightmare for years to come. But nobody thinks of the reality of war. And these will no longer be televised. How else can heinous acts be carried out and covered up? We only see the fraction of a fraction because reports are so easy to fudge. You know the routine. Didn't know babies carried side arms in their diaper and were well trained. Okay that's silly but you get the point.

But to wrap this mummy up because I have no clue where it's going, I will say that memorials are for the living and not the dead. Some type of self serving justification? The exact words escape me at the moment. So I'll let it lay like the graves we so stoically honor.


  1. "Life is so easy for the guy who never saw someone's entrails splattered all over the desert floor. Brains in you lap will leave a lasting image and many a nightmare for years to come. But nobody thinks of the reality of war."

    Oh come on, what's with all this leftwing peacenik drivel? This is a War Holiday. Ain't you a Real American? Put a Chinese-made yellow ribbon on your car and put another shrimp on the barbie.

  2. Only showing some concern for the guys who protect our right to buy some cheap chinese stuff Tom.

  3. Demeur, I know you're concerned about the situation in Greece. Looks like it's even tougher than we thought.

  4. Many have died for our freedom, frankly, I find that disgusting but it’s how it is on this sick planet. If our ancestors had stayed in their home countries and fought for their freedoms there they would have what we have now being as those countries are now also free. Well, more or less, as free as we are anyway.

    My weekend has gone just fine so far, had a good time yesterday.

  5. The only freedoms we have are the ones The Man lets us have, like the freedom to buy cheap Chinese stuff and poison burgers.

  6. My new mower was made in America, well, assembled in America.
