Tuesday, June 19, 2012

News you can't use and could probably care less about

Did you say something? Oh no not the V word.

Say it ain't so! Hot dogs listed as Kosher not Kosher. That's not very Kosher of them.
(Considering what's in hot dogs you would have thought somebody would have added this to the Torah when writing Jewish dietary law. What do Goymes know anyway? Give me the hamburger and don't forget the pink slime). Hot Dog!

Man has 29 college degrees and going for 30th - Trying to beat the thermometer eh? What's truly amazing is if this guy was smart enough to do that then why does he still use a typewriter? One question? How'd he pay for them all?

You’re probably a Republican if you drink this…
(Wouldn't be Kool Aide would it?)

Misbehaving Particles Poke Holes in Reigning Physics Theory
(Darn old particles ya just can't teach them anything)

Bellingham may outlaw introducing invasive species
(Just can't keep them furiners out) Worried about Asian clams and zebra mussels getting into the water supply fines will be forthcoming. (Ya know what a Zebra is don't you? That's the largest size you can get.) rim shot.

Silenced Mich. lawmaker does 'Vagina Monologues'
Better not be caught saying the V word or the P word in Michigan state legislature.
(What do they think we're all a bunch of Ken and Barbie dolls with no anatomical parts?)


  1. I liked Jon Stewart's take on the whole V-word thingie: The word vagina isn't like "Beetlejuice." Saying the word "vagina" out loud isn't gonna make a vagina magically appear in the room.

  2. I guess it's the same with the word penis too.

  3. Sheesh, 29 going on 30 college degrees and there isn't even a draft to dodge!

    "Bellingham may outlaw introducing invasive species"

    I'm sure those species will be mightily impressed.

  4. Fuck Kosher.

    I'm an old country boy, pussy works for me, never even heard the word vagina until I was an adult and still think that vagina is a more vulgar word than pussy.

  5. Nothing manufactured by ConAgra is kosher.

  6. Our state is projected to grow in population.


  7. On that subject, legend has it that Elizabeth Taylor pronounced Celt as Selt, where upon Richard Burton said ?What are you, a Sunt?"

  8. On that subject, legend has it that Elizabeth Taylor pronounced Celt as Selt, where upon Richard Burton said ?What are you, a Sunt?"

  9. On that subject, legend has it that Elizabeth Taylor pronounced Celt as Selt, where upon Richard Burton said ?What are you, a Sunt?"
