Wednesday, June 6, 2012

No news can be good news sometimes

Greece Warns of Going Broke as Taxes Dry Up
As I predicted Greece will default and probably pull out of the Euro. Proving that you can't pay a debt with no money. When are these idiot banksters ever going to learn? So wacha gonna repossess a bunch of ancient ruins? Good luck with that. The people over there are starving as it is. Or as they say you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip.

Scott Walker wins...but...
In national news Scott Wanker might have kept his hide intact in Wisconsin but one thing that isn't being reported is that the senate just flipped to democratic. Let's see you get something done now ya little weasel. Had to spend quite a bit of time digging through Lame Stream Media to find out who got the boot in the Wisconsin state senate. Not looking forward to the flood of mud slinging as the general election gets closer. Thank god or Cthulhu for movie channels. Darn ya can't even swipe it from the innertubes anymore.

A body was found on the waterfront. Now was that a new body or the one from last week? Or perhaps the one from the week before. Medical examiner must be busy these days with all the shootings stabbing and water fun aftermaths. I guess this is what to expect when too many people want to move to one area. Hey guys I hear there's plenty of jobs in Texas and they just love their guns and knives and other phallic symbols yee haa!

Ray Bradbury died. Now there's a guy who at least added something to the gene pool. Many of his sci fi ideas are now a reality. Unfortunately not much is real anymore so slip those virtual glasses back on and get back to the game.

Music of late seems to be hitting the ends of the spectrum. Not that I follow any of it anymore but when you start hearing rap in just about every foreign tongue you know it's just a fad at its' end. I had hoped it would go the way of Disco and rapidly but that was not to be. Any idiot with a thesaurus and a rhythm generator can do it. Okay JC McCool let's see you rhyme the words silver and orange.


  1. Greece isn't pulling out of the Euro. They're playing Poland on Friday.

  2. Ray Bradbury.... Never heard of him.

  3. Romney, GOP raise more than $76 million in May...

    Obama, Democrats raise $60 million in May...

    Damn sure seems to be plenty of money for fucking folitics, no point in spending $136 million on improving streets or water systems.

  4. I also had to Google, and keep on Googling (not to be confused with a Credence Clearwater song), just to find out about the Wisconsin state senate. Sometimes Google is so intuitive it's scary, and other times you have to keep rewording your search terms again and again; it's like trying to talk to a retarded 3-year-old.
