Sunday, August 12, 2012

Morning obituary almost

Sadly it is my duty to announce the death of another blog or at least a major cut back of postings from our Canadian born Ukrainian blogger the Blog Fodder. Thinking back I can't remember how I even came upon his blog in the first place. But the sad part is seeing a blog roll list that's shrinking with an array of dead links. Much like losing friends while reading the morning obits. I realize that sometimes life gets in the way and personal issues can take a front seat in the blogosphere, but to drop to drop off the face of the earth? I couldn't do that. So if you open up this blog and find nothing new for days on end I'm either recovering in the hospital or have indeed slipped off the mortal coil. As I said to him and I'll say it here they'll have to pry the keyboard from my cold dead hands. You'll find no exit notes here. Just hope I can make it to the 'publish post" button before the heart gives it's last pump.

We've lost a lot of great bloggers in the last few years and even though you might not consider yourself one of the bigger fish in this ocean, collectively we make up a whole. You might have in your own simple way given others inspiration or advice that their own family could never give. Or as Steve Smith aka Red Green would put it "I'm pullin for you, we're all in this together."

There's always trolls spammers and snipers out here but for the most part the friends you meet are fairly decent and more than willing to lend a hand with advice and moral support. It's just sad to have a blog roll that looks more like a memorial than an active address book. So I guess it's true "you can't go home again". Home is never the same especially without the people who made it a home.

So like it not you're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. Unless of course google starts screwing with the format again in which case I have a back up plan and new digs all ready to move into.


  1. Sorry to hear about the Blog Fodder. I don't remember if I ever went to his blog but I always liked his comments over here.

    I too will stop blogging when they pry my keyboard from my cold dead child; or something.

  2. Oh boy, a whole bunch of old bloggers have passed on, a lot of them not so old, I think they just get tired of blogging. And some have switched over to Facefuck where they can get more pretend friends.

    I don't suppose I'll blog until the end, but I will let followers know when I do my last post/posts. I'd like my last post to be about my death but that remains to be seen, I can't control everything on this rock, not even that I suppose.

  3. I've had a lot of real life getting in the way of blogging for the past several months. I've also had periods when I just didn't feel like I had anything fresh to say, at least not anything that hadn't been said by me and many others already.

    After nine years, 2,204 posts (9,304 actual comments, after spam deletions), I've decided that while it's important to post regularly, it's not necessary to post several times a day or even daily. But whether I have a spell where I post daily or go several days between posts, I do try to give everyone who's good enough to stop by Oh!pinion a good read, some good food for thought and my take on things that they're welcome to agree with, disagree with or add some facts or insights about. And yes, on some things I hope to add to the collective buzz.

    I haven't been to Blog Fodder's in a week or a week and a half. I've enjoyed some of his posts very much, so I hope he's taking a breather, not giving up on it altogether.

    For most of us blogging is an avocation, not a vocation. As such, it shouldn't become a chore.

    I salute your dedication to daily posting, Demeur. You do a good job; keep 'em coming. And please keep coming by Oh!pinion. Lack of comments and participation has probably killed more blogs than untimely deaths or comment spam.

    BBC, what is you blog called?

  4. Some of the favorites on my blog roll are just hanging there like anchors with ancient dates on them. And they never said anything at all. One particularly cherished blogger announced her retirement and was back within the month. One never knows, do one?

  5. BBC, what is you blog called?

    I find that to be an odd question when you can just click on my profile link and find out.

  6. When the days of nothing to say grossly outweigh those that do, such a move is understandable.

  7. SW that depends on which of Billy's blogs you mean. His main one is Spirits Doings. And yeah I suspect some day he'll make like a frog and croak as will we all.

  8. How did you sneak in here Randal?

    Ha! The day you don't have an idea in that twisted mind is when we'll need to take your pulse. Even then a brain scan may be in order.

  9. BBC, nice blog and a very nice post on your Lake Crescent interlude. The welcome mat is on the puny side, but that's OK. I would've left a fascinating comment, but you don't take comments. Oh well . . . :)

  10. I will likely be back, Demeur. I am not deleting the site at any rate. It was fun until it got serious. If I could just leave religion and politics alone, I would do better. I need a break is all. Maybe a long one, maybe not. I will still be showing up on other people's blogs as a commenter and try to be polite, else I will invoke the Thumper's Mother's Rule.

  11. I'm looking forward to croaking, I'll get a 64 Caddy convertible and have a different cocksucker everyday. :-)

  12. Fodder you can be as snarky as you care to be here. It's never stopped Randal or Billy ;-)

  13. Nice blog. I had fun reading all your comments here.
