Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pussy Riot or how dare you speak the truth!

(A group of cats is called a clowder.)

So we're back to the old Soviet state are we? A group does a two minute song on the steps of a church and the religious pobahs can't take it. If the Kirill I and his minions had as much faith as a grain of mustard seed they'd have laughed off the names and faces routine and gone about their business. But I forgot religion is big business as is political thievery. Where's the humor in that? When you can wear a $30,000 Swiss watch your ideology had to take a wrong turn somewhere along the line. Makes me wonder what the old boy got for cow towing to Putin or was the watch the payoff?

Thought we had already been through all this 40 years ago. A little ditty back then called The Pusher caused quit a stir among the straight laced set. Too bad they didn't bother to read the actual lyrics. They might not have been so critical. But I guess the plain truth is never accepted when you're too busy emptying the state and church coffers. How dare you criticize me when I'm robbing you! But there you have it the plain undeniable truth. Shoot the messenger when nobody else is handy. And no you can't see my tax returns. This is all sounding way to familiar to be coincidental. We could ask who stole the plan from whom but does that really matter? They are all in it together if you ask me. Can only wonder about the side splitting humor in the back rooms of the G 20 summits. Common welfare indeed.

And now for a few facts and other pearls of wisdom below the fold

The scientific name for the Green Iguana is Iguana iguana.

An average cow produces 30 lbs of urine and 65 lbs of feces daily.

Organ²/ASLSP (As SLow aS Possible) is a musical piece composed by John Cage and is the subject of one of the longest-lasting musical performances yet undertaken. The current organ performance of the piece at St. Burchardi church in Halberstadt, Germany, began in 2001 and is scheduled to have a duration of 639 years, ending in 2640. They specially built an organ to play this song and continue to maintenance it while it plays. Each note or chord takes anywhere from 2 months to 2 years to play.

There is never a reason to be defensive. If you are right, you need no defense, if you are wrong, you have no defense.

Here's one for Stu that brianiac of math and science.
111,111,111 x 
111,111,111 = 

Common sense is not so common anymore.


  1. "An average cow produces 30 lbs of urine and 65 lbs of feces daily."

    Ah the memories. I worked on a dairy farm one summer during high school. Sometimes a cow would cough while taking a shit. Should you be standing behind her at that crucial moment, things wouldn't be pretty.

  2. Oh hell, I mention them in my post in the morning but once again you beat me to it.

  3. I didn't know a bunch of cats were called a clowder. Who in the hell comes up with these names?

  4. Yes and I'm sure I wouldn't want to be around when the cow sneezed either.

    Clowder I believe is derived from the word clutter. And we all know when the house is cluttered what that means. Dates back to the 1800s but I haven't checked the Oxford dictionary to be certain.

  5. Russia is a very unsophisticated America.
