Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday pussy - reflective edition

Put down your weapons. Turn swords into plowshares and let's get on with life. Too much greed and hate in the world. Was it something in the water? "Us" never really wins against "them". What fools these mortals be.

Momma sends her sons to war and they don't come back. Was the sacrifice really worth it? Raise a flag and stand tall with a nation we're told. Are we really any better than them? It's all just an illusion. What's worse a beheading or a bombed baby? Okay no fair that was a choice between cancer or leprosy. All comes down to numbers on a mortality chart with no faces there.

The disconnect has permeated most facets of our daily lives. How many points for killing the aliens again? What a sick reward when the word "winner!" flashes on the screen. Congratulations you've just made it past the million mark. No points for the medics who must clean up the battle field.

Okay okay this is getting a bit too morbid but what else is there when looking at the morning mirror on the world? My kingdom for some kindness or at the very least a bit of good news. My hands are up don't shoot. Just here to see if I could help out. But maybe that's just a fools errand.

Bank fails later


  1. Tribalism in all its manifestations. When there is a shortage of resources, it is always US vs THEM.

  2. Good news? Loving the weather, best summer since moving here, starting to like global warming. Many christians are greedy, deal with it I guess.

  3. "When there is a shortage of resources, it is always US vs THEM."

    Even when there isn't a shortage.
