Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday pussy - Don't shoot

Armed and dangerous pussy doesn't have a chance

Too many guns and not enough common sense says I. Face facts we no longer live amongst wild bears or mountain lions. The Mongol  hoards are not going to breach the walls of your humble castle and in spite of what the right wing would have you believe there are no islamic mexican terrorists with ebola running across our southern boarders. So you think you're faster on the draw than someone intent on robbing you? Think again Marshal Dillon.

The real problem is that we've made it too easy for people who shouldn't be near a gun to own or get one. Granted putting restrictions on fire arms would not eliminate the problem all together but it sure would slow things down a bit. And think about it. We have more restrictions to getting a drivers license  or a marriage license than to own a gun. And while people may think a gun is a great means of protection, those who have done the most damage have heard voices in their head.

So yes I believe there should be background checks for anyone owning a gun. I'd bet that even McDonalds does a basic background check for its' workers. What makes owning a gun any less important? And let's not forget the other part of the second amendment, it was to arm a militia because there was no formal army at that time of our founding and there were bears and other wild animals roaming the land.

And for those delusional enough to think they're going to go against the government they'd better think again. A pump action shotgun would be no match to an armored vehicle or an assault helicopter they'd be facing.  The military will do its' duty to protect against foreign and domestic threats. It's what they do.

As for the middle east we've never been attuned to what was happening there until it was too late. We supported dictators there for decades not really knowing or caring about what they were doing to their own populations. After all that was "over there" not here. There is now a psychosis on a grander scale and guns seem to be easy to get there. And why not? You can't sell a lot of arms without fear and a division of the population. It's a safe bet that gun sales will go up at least here in the U.S. with the latest shootings and with that will come more shootings. It's a simple matter of numbers and probability. So the gun makers will profit yet again and more people will die and all we can do is sit back and watch. Law makers won't touch the issue even if gun owners would like some common sense regulations. And if that's the case then the NRA is not as powerful as they'd like to believe.

Would you sell a gun to a criminal or someone with mental issues? I know I wouldn't.

One bank fail this week in Chicago, Ill.


  1. Don't be down on guns so much, growing up we all had guns and not the problems we have today, folks are just more disturbed these days, taking the guns away won't change that.

    Make guns hard to get and people will just get them when they are young and don't have a record yet.

    Meanwhile I went to Texas and back without running into any problems.

  2. The War of 1812 put paid to the idea of state militias as the American armed forces. Canada is of course thankful for those state militias whose antipathy towards invading other countries saved our asses.

  3. There are already gun laws and background checks in place/ law ... so perhaps someone isnt doing their job, eh? Hey man ... in this town (or I'm sure even yours, or anywheres in America) I can find a gun 24/ 7/ 365 without even going to a gun store or show. This is why I encourage more "liberal" people to get gun's (started my own daughters showing them how to use gun's at about 12 years old, driving cars and general maintenance at about 10 years old), the reason is because you DONT only want just "right wing" folks, thugs and cops to be the only ones armed ... get my drift? ... meaning, the reason the "right" supports the gun lobby most, is because if/ when SHTF were to come down, law enforcement couldnt handle it and national guards alone with our population ... they would call on the right wing militias to help them in the name of preserving democracy, and with the heavy polarization in our nation ... the "left" and progressives need to heavily arm themselves as well, and frankly I dont feel there can be enough guns for the people in these times. Just my opinion Demeur ....
