Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Pussy - I didn't do it so...

Hands up don't shoot? Forget it they'll shoot you anyway armed or not. Alcohol agents carrying guns. Since when does a government agent need that to check for false ID? Tanks and UAVs yep that'll keep the peons in line. And don't forget enough fire power to take out a platoon of "enemy combatants". Seems to me we have slowly turned into an entity that we fought against in WWII.  complete with secret courts and secret laws. Forget the SS we have the NSA and GPS and cameras everywhere. The Gestapo would be jealous.

Careful what you say comrade er... my fellow Americans. You could be looking at expulsion. What teen boys used to talk about in the locker room is now posted online for all to see. As if anybody didn't already know. But now there must be photo evidence just to prove your manhood to the boys. Sheesh even senators did it. Thank you but my privates are my privates and let's keep it that way. But as we all know or should nothing is sacred anymore. All manner or pervy perversion is out there so careful where you tread. You might just end up at 50 shades of disgusted least you have a strong stomach. Are we slowly becoming virtual blobs in this cyber universe? No worries you can look it up on Youtube later somebody must have captured it.

But back to the subject at hand. Have we always been this violent or did I just not see it? Most cops I knew never so much a drew their service revolver in the course of their duties. It was once a badge of honor to say that you never once pulled the trigger in all the years of being a cop. Guess that was "the old days".  But we now have a military police force complete with military vets trained in military tactics.  Add to that picture several billion dollars worth of second hand military hardware. What could possibly go wrong?

Then there is the issue of mental health. It started when Reagan opened up the mental hospitals and let most of the inmates out. Didn't want to pay for a bunch of crazies with his tax dollars. But I think a whole bunch of them ended up running for office and won. That sure would explain a lot. But with these people the police have taken a shoot first think up a good excuse later mentality. If the individual is lucky enough to survive the confrontation he lands up in jail and still doesn't get treatment.

That's my two cents
Bank fails later... UPDATE: No fails this week


  1. "Seems to me we have slowly turned into an entity that we fought against in WWII."

    Balderdash! We fought in WWII to make this great nation safe for developers' property rights and workplaces free of them commie safety regulations. Mission Accomplished.

  2. I didn't fight in WW11, dad did so mom had to find some other guy to fuck her so I could be conceived. :-) :-)

  3. howard on hill street blues was ahead of his time.

  4. One mother and 5 fathers eh Billy?

    Tom - What rights and regulations? The Chinese have none of that and that's where our jobs went.

    Bill P - The reference is too old I vaguely remember that program.

  5. You only vaguely remember Hill Street Blues????

    Disgraceful behaviour!!!

    4D x

  6. Russian cops will only shot you if someone pays them. American cops will shoot you for fun. You have only had more "freedom" because the system is so rigged that you are not dangerous. There is concern that you might become so, hence military cops and NSA. Enjoy.
