Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday sans the beavers and pussies

Thought I'd pass on the beaver and pussy stick. It was getting old and only used it to get traffic here. Must say it did work for a while. So what now?
Oops how'd he get in there?

 Ever notice how Mike Duffy looks much like a Vogn from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Gallexy"?
Try getting that image out of your mind.

On with the post -

Ever notice that a lot of the bloggers are gone? Check your side bar and note how many dead links there are. Some moved on to jobs that might not take kindly to net postings that are less than politically correct. Others died and can't leave a forwarding address. Kind of sad. It was like going into your favorite bar and knowing what the atmosphere was like before you got there. And sadly we all have our expiration date even though it isn't stamped on a body part we can see.

Life goes on in spite of tornadoes hurricanes fires or explosions. We're getting a little rain here even though it won't be enough to make much difference. Lawns are still brown here and much of the landscape is parched. Haven't seen it this dry in all the years I've lived here. Neighbors' bushes caught fire the other week while they were on vacation. Fortunately some other neighbors stepped up and had it under control before the whole place caught fire. Guess there are a few decent people left unless you're a politician.

 What a clown show we must endure for another year plus. On the right we have egomaniacs pandering to the ever shrinking white old man base. Selling them the proposition that you too can be rich like me if you'll just take another pay and benefit cut while I and my congressional buddies slip in another tax break. Their accounts in the Caymans must be bursting by now. Think about who the real welfare queens are. Ten or twenty bucks swiped from food stamps pales by comparison to the trillions that were reaped off the taxpayers with multibillion dollar bonuses to boot. Wrong is wrong but some wrongs are more wrong if you get my drift.

And should you think that the U.S. has cornered the market on corruption look no farther than to our friends to the north. Mr. Harper can no longer spin his story. He now has to resort to bold faced lies. To say he knew nothing of the Duffy matter is just plain hog wash. But take heart Canada at least this matter came out. Such things rarely see the light of day in the U.S. Now if I could just figure out a way to write off the meals I eat at home humm. What could I charge for sleeping in my own bed? Pretty ballsy if you ask me. And what's this chite about paying it back? Try stealing a loaf of bread at your local store and see what happens. Everything won't turn out okay just because you came back and paid up.

Bank fails later...


  1. Speaking of charging for meals eaten at home, years ago when I was a Livestock Specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture in Kindersley, we had a set allowance for lodging and meals on the road. If we stayed in a private residence we could charge $15. One of the staff lived in Saskatoon but worked in Kindersley, commuting home on weekends. We had a two day staff meeting in Saskatoon once so of course he stayed at his home. He announced the next moring that the government had paid him $15 to sleep with his wife. We all said that they would have had to pay us a hell of a lot more than $15.

  2. the duffy affair underscores how pathetic our leaders truly are. these assholes are supposed to be leading the country but they claim to be unable to understand the basic rules of what can and can't be claimed as an expense.

  3. I should read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Gallexy...

    Some stop blogging cuz they learned it wasn't making anything better. For a better understanding of our nasty national politics read Palin's book.

  4. Trump : making America grate again ;-)
    No, that's not a typo ;-)

  5. That pretty well sums things up. Record drought/heat/fire danger; politicians more crooked and unaccountable than ever; and blogging has pretty much gone the way of the hula hoop and the covered wagon.

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