Friday, January 7, 2011

The Friday economic pussy

I'm seeing cracks in the once frozen economy. Unemployment is starting to go down. Just wonder if the corporate fat cats realize that they can't squeeze much more out of us lowly peons without having to kill the host. Strange but if anyone bothered to actually read the Stimulus Bill (I did) they'd know that the remaining funds were due to be spent in 2011. That bill by the way was over 600 pages but with the size of the font it was more like 50. Sometime I'll sit and read the Health Care bill but I just haven't had that much time. And here's something to pass on. The actual name of the bill is the Affordable Health Care Bill and not Obamacare. People seem to forget that fact and that it was to be named after Ted Kennedy. Something that never happened.

I still feel bad that there are a lot of folks out here who are in their late 50s and early 60s who may never get back in the workforce through no fault of their own.

Bank fails later...


jmsjoin said...

I am sick of the scum Republicans getting away with their lying BS! The Bipartisan GAO said it will cost 2.5 Billion to repeal the Health care Bill and they simply say that's not true and they continue with their lies.

You can't convince me people do not want their uninsured kids covered till they are 26.

You can't convince me people want to be denied coverage because they have a precondition.

Getting back to that 9.4 rate, I would absolutely expect it to go back up at least a bit because they conveniently ignored Holiday temporary hires.

Demeur said...

I wouldn't worry about them repealing it since it would have to go through the senate and have to be signed by Obama and we know he'd veto it.

Actually I'm seeing some green shoots of real hiring here and it's not temp work either.

jmsjoin said...

No they can't repeal it but I just heard 12 trillion in cost to do it and they just laugh at that. They frigging piss me off!

I hope it is looking up for you and everyone else that is looking for a job. I am right now listening to them say the numbers are up because people stopped looking.

Anyway they said at this rate it would take until 2022 to get back to pre recession numbers.

BBC said...

Unemployment is starting to go down.

According to the media spin, but I see no signs of it here, other than a little pickup in lower pay scales.

Well, Scott's shop is about to pick up a lot, he's going to be doing all the upholstery work for a company here that is building boats for the military.

He was at their plant today and he says that there is a shit load of them being built, that it's wall to wall boats there and they are building two more buildings to handle the work load.

America, we're great at building stuff for killing.

BBC said...

I have no idea what the wages are in the war boat plant are but I'm guessing they are not that great. Pretty sure that most of them are under 20 bucks an hour.

Far below a family living wage in this country these days. Oh well, at least they are jobs.

S.W. Anderson said...

Like Average Patriot said, plus there' that little matter of requiring insurance companies to actually spend 80 percent to 85 percent of revenues on customers' medical care.

That by itself should be a huge help to a whole lot of people. It's also enough to make Wellpoint CEO Angela Braly's champagne taste like stale Mountain Dew.

S.W. Anderson said...

Re: unemployment numbers. I find it hard to trust them as being any more than a very crude indicator, and only then for trends measured over six-month periods.

Inexcusable fuzziness is built into the system. It's been put there by one administration after another hoping to get through an election cycle with the jobs situation looking as perky as possible.

Same thing with cost-of-living numbers, which are based on laughably unrealistic parameters any more.

The Blog Fodder said...

Demeur, move to Canada. There are jobs. This is my cousin's house in Regina loaded with black mould.

Kulkuri said...

Thanks to the healthcare reform my colonoscopy co-pay was $0. Insurance paid it all. When The Old Lady had hers several years ago we made payments for a year to pay the co-pay. Of course we got to get rid of that, heaven forbid the insurance companies actually having to pay for healthcare, where are the upper management millions going to come from if they have to pay for medical care for the insured???