Thursday, July 14, 2011

We interupt the regularily scheduled Friday beaver/pussy post for this special post. Spend 20 years dealing with toxic shit and now this!

Toxic Rain
And I'm not talking about some heavy metal band either.

I now hear that our rainwater here in the Northwest is somewhere between 40 and 130 times the standard for radiation in water. Jesus Christ on toast what are we guinea pigs? I managed to survive the last 20 years dealing with stuff that would take out entire populations and now this. No warnings no Emergency Broadcasts not even a peep about maybe you might want to stay indoors today. And I've been working outdoors for the last several months. Should I file a Labor and Industries claim now or wait for the class action law suit?

Click image to enbigen

Okay I know it isn't Friday yet but I thought I'd get a jump on the weekend. More later.


BBC said...

Hey, it's not Friday yet....

Should I file a Labor and Industries claim now or wait for the class action law suit?

You fucking trying to live forever? If so, what for? So you can work for another three hundred years?

S.W. Anderson said...

This is not good news, although I'd like to see some additional verification. I think it's time to ask public officials for an explanation for the lack of information and warnings.

Randal Graves said...

It's the damn Japanese! Resurrect Operation Downfall!

I want one of those umbrellas. Nicely match my orange hair.

BBC said...

The sun is out, I took my shirt off, I suppose that is hazardous also, oh well, to hell with it, almost everything is trying to kill us anyway.

Four Dinners said...

Now don't go gettin' all green around the gills!!!'s that green stuff around

I'm gone...

Demeur is contaminated!!! Don't panic!!! Dinners and children first!!!

Is this really serious shit?...Come live here...we've lots of serious shit here but we ain't irradiated yet as far as I know...

Well there is that kid down the road with two heads but perhaps we shouldn't go there...I don't...

Be careful what you drink!!!

jmsjoin said...

It sucks but we owe Fukishima for that along most of the rest of the world. Hell we already had most of our standing and moving water here in the northeast tainted because of acid rain along with everything else.