Time just flies when you're having so much fun (snark!). Once again the week flew by. Have I mentioned that most of us working stiffs are now doing the work of three people because the cheap bastards at the top are too cheap to hire additional help? And then of course we have the beavers who need no motivation. They're naturally good workers because it's in their very nature. For them it's either do or die. And as an added benefit they have no boss barking orders and demanding deadlines. Lucky beavers.
Bank fails later.
How about that no bank fails this week. Wonder if FDIC was on vacation.
I've had a pretty damn good week, got the boat painted and tomorrow I'm headed out to the boondocks for a while.
It's nice not having a boss and working as I please.
They're not too cheap to hire help, they're too busy creating jobs to hire help.
As I understand it capitalists and banks are hording billions of dollars instead of putting it to work to make things go around.
And when you get good enough, in their view, at doing the work of three, they will expect you to buy the goods and services of three consumers.
Wait, OK, they're still working out the details on that part of it.
("Pay these guys three times the pay? What, are you f---ing crazy? That's not going to happen. Back to the drawing board. Think of something . . .")
It seems like it is always Beaver Friday. You know, you hear the bullshit that companies are loaded with money but afraid things will get worse again.
Hell of course things will get worse but those cheap pricks got the money so they're going to keep it. What the hell is their incentive to hire people when they can work you to death.
Hell of course things will get worse but those cheap pricks got the money so they're going to keep it.
More like those GREEDY pricks got the money so they're going to keep it.
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