Scanning the live casts for the latest real news we have Greece. While main stream media pays little more than lip service to the issues they face, the new media, livestreaming, gives the details down and dirty. It's still amazing that even with conditions as harsh as they are a few bold and hardy souls can still manage to distribute the news over there. And like our cat from a previous post the news is bad.
Where to begin? In Greece the unemployment rate now stands at 24.4%. The government has taken upon itself to slash wages and pensions while it raised taxed by 29%. If that weren't bad enough they also haven't paid doctors and nurses for over six months now. Here's something to think about as well. Athens a city of 150,000 now has only one working ambulance. At that rate you could only hope that a friend or neighbor could drive you to a hospital in an emergency. Calling for help from the authorities would be a waste of time. But this situation as we know is not confined to Greece. Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal are facing the exact same austerity measures. Ireland set about their cuts several months ago. Italy used part of their "bail out" to reinvest in infrastructure. Spain has seen street rioting for several weeks while Portugal has been quiet for the moment. Only a matter of time before this slow moving tsunami moves to the rest of the economies. We face our own problems if something isn't done by the end of the year with our budget. Fun times indeed. Greed isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Greed won't go away so it's best to learn how to live with it by being a good bum like me.
Oh I've been a bum for years. How do you think I made it this far?
If you are a bum why care about Greece or any of those other places.
The Greeks aren't claiming corpses since they have no loot to bury them. There's a horror flick just waiting to be filmed.
That's okay, I'm being cremated.
Though I'd be cremated too. Then mixed with hollandaise sauce and served over your favorite veggie.
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