Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday pussy

It's Black Friday and no Fluffy here won't be attending your little Walmart gathering. And no she doesn't want the stupid elf outfit you were thinking of buying. She's a cat for Christ sake. A bag of fish flavored treats will do just nicely. And don't forget to change the litter box before you leave or she just might make fine use of your favorite chair. Makes a great scratching post too. So here we sit with bloated bellies contemplating the 28 ways of what to do with left over turkey and who will get the chore of dumping the carcass when the bones have been picked clean and even the soup has been laid up in the freezer because the entire household is sick of turkey only to remember that the next round of pigout is coming in a few weeks. Another turkey or should it be ham this time around? Don't get a great big one this time. The last quarter of ham from 2011 is stuffed somewhere in the back of the freezer along with some plastic bag of unidentifiable meat from last summers' big barbecue. And don't forget to throw out what ever's growing mold in the back of the refrigerator because we all know nobody would get around to eating it when it was put in there. "Anybody want to eat this? I was just going to throw it out anyway."

Bank fails later. Anybody go a bicarb?
UPDATE: No bank fails this week.


Randal Graves said...

The only leaving-the-house anyone should do today is to go for a walk, unless there's another hurricane bearing down.

BBC said...

I sure got stuffed the last two days, guess I've had enough turkey for a while. Hamburger is on sale, will go get some today.

And some cinnamon rolls, fuck yeah.

Demeur said...

Randal what about floods earthquakes and death of the first born. You forgot those.

Billy I'm a bit careful about buying hamburger. It might be some left overs from that Canadian plant recall.

BBC said...

I don't know anything about a recall, I just trust Safeway to pull anything that may be questionable.

BBC said...