Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Not much justice in the world but some

Two banks near Seattle and their executive board are being sued by FDIC for their fraudulent practices. All well and good if the executives face prison time in my opinion. Unfortunately I know how these things work out. The bank gets off with a slap on the wrist. The execs walk scott free while people are evicted and the taxpayer is left holding the bag.

Bank of America or should we call them by their rightly name Scum of America is also being sued for evicting people over the Christmas holiday even after a moratorium on evictions had been declared.  I've seen too many cases where these guys get away with murder. In one case a man who had been current on his payments and even had the receipts to prove it was evicted had his car repossessed and lost his job all because his payments weren't filed correctly by the bank. All he got was a lame letter of apology from the bank.

Now if this doesn't get your goat our wonderful justice department has decreed that they can hunt down and kill any American citizen at will. No charges, no trial, no how do you do, all done by secret laws that can't be challenged or even seen. And we thought Soviet Russia was a bad place. Over 4000 people have been killed this way since the start of the Iraq war. Mainly in Pakistan, one 16 year old was the American born son of a Pakistani national. His only crime. Being born to a man suspected of terrorism. Last I checked we have something in our constitution about due process and a right to a fair trial. Think it's called the 4th amendment.

This country is on a slow simmer folks and it's not going to take much more to make it boil over the top.


Anonymous said...

".....All he got was a lame letter of apology from the bank......"

Considering the topic of your following paragraph, the poor sod should consider himself lucky he wasn't also extr-judicial eliminated' after being 'property-raped - "praped".

".....Now if this doesn't get your goat....."

I wished it would, my goat is one of those freakish tree-climbing feckers they have in Morocco - they frighten the livin' bejesus out of me. Tell me something that does get my goat. Sheesh!

".....This country is on a slow simmer folks and it's not going to take much more to make it boil over the top......"

It's a good thing we're all armed to the teeth then!

Anonymous said...

Make that 'extra-judicially eliminated'

Tom Harper said...

"Last I checked we have something in our constitution about due process and a right to a fair trial."

Nah, that's only for bank executives.

Anonymous said...

Your thoughts on this 'Headline of the Decade'?

"Driver Arrested for DUI at Spearmint Rhino, Dallas."

All that's missing is guns I reckon.

Roger Owen Green said...

The US has lost the moral high ground with these almost certainly illegal, definitely immoral actions.

The Blog Fodder said...

I have been following both Russian and American goings on and there is today not much difference between the two countries for those that live in them. At least Russia is not constantly attacking other countries.