Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday beaver - Insanity edition

(That is if there were any to be found)

While Assad has gassed his people and killed many more with rockets, Obama calls for the attack of Syria. But there's more. All the while U.S. drones kill six more in northern Pakistan. And while all this is going on Iran is calling for more bombings in Iraq of U.S. interests. Has the world really lost it's mind? Dead is dead no matter the method and pointing fingers when you are doing much the same is no answer.

In the UK companies are beginning to start fracking operations a dirty process of extracting gas a mile deep under the earths surface. This much to the objections of the local residents who have seen the damage it does to the water table. If that wasn't bad enough the offer for royalties was worse, a mere 1% of the rewards. That's 99 for me and one for you. The sheer greed of this is unthinkable. It's the town's mineral rights and the people aren't dumb enough to sell away their rights for a trinket or two. What's even worse is that most jobs will not go to the locals but some fly by night outfit from Texas who will hire migrant workers from some third world country at the lowest wages.

Yet again we're seeing the system cracking with workers not making enough to survive. Thailand rubber farmers not getting enough for their products. Coffee farmers in Columbia not making ends meet. Thirty years ago you could get a container of coffee for around $5. Granted the can was a bit larger back then. Today it can be had for $7.50 here so factoring for inflation farmers are making far less than they were back then. It's understandable that prices can never be frozen, Nixon tried that little trick back in the 70s, but it shouldn't take a genus to figure out that speculators should not be in the market. They have no interest in farmers or the consumers. 

Over all it's beginning to look like the sides are lining up and the future doesn't look too bright. Never mind what the wall street boys are saying they're on some type of cocaine high at the moment. They've raped enough countries to have a fat bank statement and all neatly hidden in the Caymans. And speaking of bank statements....

Bank fails later... 
UPDATE: No bank fails this week 


BBC said...

At least it didn't rain too much today.

Demeur said...

Hell of a lot of lightning here last night.

The Blog Fodder said...

Everyone seems so sure it was Assad's people who did the gassing. It would be kind of nice to know for sure. We heard all the State Dept BS in the run up to the Iraq war and are not buying it this time. Show us the goods. Circumstantial evidence isn't enough anymore.