Thursday, November 5, 2009

A reprieve and other things

I guess I get a temporary pardon from having to face bankruptcy. The Senate voted yesterday to extend the unemployment. The republicans just couldn't help but get their mitts on the bill and slid a nice biscuit in for business. They get to avoid taxes by spreading out what they owe in 08 and 09 over the last five years. Then there's yet another loop hole for companies that do business over seas. I didn't read all of that but weren't we supposed to be going after all the tax money they owed that was stashed in the Caymans? And let's get something straight. The republicans whine about all the borrowed money and yet they were the ones to shoot loans to their friends on Wall Street and it now looks like CIT won't be paying us back. If that was you or me the IRS would make us pay it back even after your house was gone to foreclosure.

So of all TARP and the stimulus money that has been shoveled around nearly all of it went to business and state and a tiny bit to local governments. The banks are back to playing the games that got them into the mess. State governments are still hurting and have cut most of their payrolls and put in hiring freezes. They've looked for ways to increase state coffers with increased fees and taxes. When the money did trickle down it was for just band aid jobs that took few workers for a short period. There was no major push to rebuild the infrastructure. There's no major work on bridges and roads or the electrical grid but lip service of a smart grid in Hawaii and a few solar projects here and there. The bulk of the money is scheduled to get out there next year so I am hopeful that something will break. At present I'm working on getting a few small jobs from a very small company that does government work.

The health care bill is moving along and may be voted on this Saturday. Republicans scream that the bill is too big 1900 pages and was put together too fast. Yet if they had their way they'd stall this bill for another year. Imagine how big the bill would be if they had their way with another six or nine months to play with it.


  1. That Democratic health reform bill is moving way too fast for the Republicans. Remember, when a Republican reads he moves his index finger across the page and sounds out each syllable by moving his lips. It's gonna take awhile for them to read and grasp at least part of this bill.

  2. The republicans are screaming that the bill is moving too fast, imagine the screams if it gets passed. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  3. I was surprised to hear of the AMA endorsing the new healthcare bill. Not surprised that the AARP did. And to top off today's entertainment another crew of no brained right wingers gathering on the steps of Congress to protest something I am sure none of them really understand. But with leaders who use terms like "it's worse than the threat of terrorism" and "it is one step closer to Communism", it's no wonder they are scared. The Healthcare Bill is going to open the door for Commies and terrorists. That's all they need to know.

  4. Well Tom I know they won't even bother to read it. Why would then when they're planning on voting against it?

    Holte but they keep shooting themselves in the foot. They think that this country is moving to the right and yet they just lost two more seats. You'd think they'd get a clue. But I guess for them money trumps all.

    Crum the AMA is for it because they're sick of dealing with the insurance companies just like us. I've talked to my Dr. about it. The sheeple teabaggers will do what they're told no questions asked.

  5. Glad you got that! The Republicans were stalling it but after their election successes they thought they better let it go.

    I just absolutely do not understand with our failing transportation infrastructure why bridges, tunnels, highways etc are not being rebuilt right now around the country.

    What stinks is Republicans wanted to see FDR succeed so they cooperated. They want Obama to fail so they block helping their own people and the country.

  6. Liked your comment on Jim's today - yeah Obama doesn't really have much of a choice, at least not if he wants to live and not be thrown out of the house...

    re health and war, here's something you should know:
