Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To Hoffman and the Neocons in NY

That'll teach you to mess with peoples' local politics. You just keep moving the party farther right and this is what you'll get. Contrary to what you think this country is not made up of a bunch of old racest white guys who hold your values. It's moving more to the left and if you don't change your ways you'll end up like the Whig party just a footnote of forgotten political parties.

Bye Bye Rethugs


  1. This has gotta hurt. The talking buttholes over to the Fox/RNC headquarters infused way too much importance into this election. I'd laugh, but then I am not feeling very ho ho this AM.

  2. I know what you mean Crum, but as I see it it's one less seat the Dems lost in the House. Let them have a few mayors races but when it comes to national issues I'd like to see less members of the "No" party.

  3. The real question is, will these developments lead to more mooning?

  4. Nice picture! This is the Palin factor I guess!

    Bill Owens’s defeat of Conservative Doug Hoffman in a House special election here prevented a Democratic washout in key races Tuesday – and beat back a conservative bid to turn the race into a repudiation of both the Republican establishment and President Barack Obama.

    Owens will become the first Democrat to represent New York’s North Country in the House in well over a century. And Hoffman’s defeat is a major setback to conservative organizations who poured in millions of dollars and hundreds of volunteers into upstate New York

  5. Of course, what's his face (Gingrich) notes the GOP gov wins in NJ and VA as the tide turning. Meh.

  6. The teabaqggers claim a victory and the Liberals claim a victory, both are right in their way and it makes em feel good. I'm just mortified that the Village Political Idiot of Saranac Lake won the confidence of 45% of the voters in the 23rd.

  7. Seems Hoffman did what the three damsels in the photo did. That's OK for a funny photo. For a political campaign, not so much.

    Come to think of it, the whole Republican establishment has been showing its collective ass for decades.

  8. That New York election was just too poetic. I hope the Republicans keep doing this -- stand up for their "core values" and get those RINOs and moderates out of their party.

    When Republicans thought Hoffman was going to win that race, this was the most important election in the universe. After Hoffman got his teabags dunked, the Republicans stopped referring to it.
