Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gonna make you an offer you can't refuse

Ya gonna take our offer and like it see. We don't care about some pip squeaks trying to muscle in on the action here. And we don't care if you have to sell your grandmother to pay us back cause that's not our problem see. Cross us and the boys upstairs 'll make sure you're sleepin with the fish see. We own ya now. Ya got that?

And here we have a simple analysis of the Greek situation as written by Anthony (insert "the" + favorite animal here) Gangster. Only Tony is no street hood. He's a world leader or group of leaders putting the muscle on a relatively small country. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. And if anyone out there has studied their history we know this won't end well. So you might ask why any settlement is taking so long. First it's a simple matter that if any resolution is delayed then anyone in the financial game stands to make even more money. This is done when word comes out about a possible resolution. It doesn't matter if the news is good or bad because money is made either way (remember short selling?). With the speed of supercomputers and some very savvy statistical brainiacs a regular Joe doesn't have a chance. But what I've said before and I'll say again is that we are witnessing one of the greatest thefts in world history all done under the guise of saving humanity. But what the winners in this game might fail to realize is that they're running out of players to fleece. That only leaves the prospect of turning on each other. And we know that won't end well.


  1. Well, ya know, I just don't give a shit, I'm a fucking bum and under the radar of all that bullshit so it matters not to me what happens to the Greece thing.

  2. In my 68 years I've seen a hell of a lot of countries go bust with next to no effect on my life, so I'm not going to sit around and worry about a pissy little country like Greece.

  3. I have more important things to fuss about, like this fingernail growing out so I can pick my nose. :-)

  4. Preying on each other offers a certain schadenfreude benefit though. ;)
