Friday, November 4, 2011

Pussy Bourgeoisie

If you know me or have read this blog you know that I'll go to the ends of the earth to find out what's going on in this world. Yesterday I was talking to some folks in Egypt and Greece. Thankfully they spoke English because I speak only bits of several foreign languages and not fluent in any. It's all Greek to me for the most part. In Egypt they are very proud of our actions taken against Wall Street. One photo they posted showed an Egyptian flag at one of the protest marches in Solidarity. From the articles posted they too are experiencing a rather brutal crack down on their right to protest. Trumped up charges have lead to lengthy jail stays and most cases come before a military tribunal and not some civilian court. Nothing like treating your people like soldiers to make things better.
In Greece the situation is tense but they seem to know the outcome of the sham that they call a government. As you may recall their president called for a referendum vote on accepting a bail out. As I mentioned in an earlier post the strings attached to that rescue were severe austerity measures aimed squarely at the people who could afford it the least. The speaker who I talked to over there is living in Athens but will now not be able to live there due to the cost of living and the employment situation. This reminds me of something out of a medieval saga where the crown prince demands more taxes out of the poor villagers when they can barely eat now. No, the people there aside from being outraged and taking to the streets understand that this will take a while to remedy. They knew that the referendum was only a ploy to keep the current president in power just a few days or weeks longer. You think maybe that'll give him enough time to move his own funds to safety before he gets tossed?

Yes there is a lot of anger out there and there should be. That cat sandwich up there has come to represent the 99% while its' owner lord and master the 1% is about to chow down.

bank fails later

Now back to the revolution

Two banks failed this week one in UT and and in NE


  1. Mmmm, a cathead sandwich, yum yum. Hey, when times are tough and you're hungry, and you have household pets...

  2. Let me explain austerity measures to you. The poor are already living with that, those that don't want to give anything up are those making 50 to 100K a year, and more.

    If the person you were speaking to living in Athens has high speed internut they are not hurting that bad, just making it sound like it.

    Forget cats, there isn't enough on them, eat the neighbors dogs.

  3. BTW, I don't care how many banks fail, I don't even care if my bank fails. Anything I have in it is insured.

  4. My cat is now fat and juicy just in case.

    Billy if you have an old laptop and a wifi connection then it's basically free internut. And the average salary over there is less than what you live on. Now their expected to bail out rich people with taxes on the poor.

    And I hate to be the barer of bad news but FDIC is almost broke.

  5. FDIC is almost broke.

    They'll make up some more figures, it's all just smoke screens. Besides, when you don't have much money in the first place it doesn't matter.

    I don't know what their tax system is like but I haven't paid federal income taxes since retiring.

  6. I guess that credit unions are getting popular.

  7. Let them eat cat, probably not as gamey as rich crackers.

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