Monday, November 21, 2011


The act of saying one thing and doing just the opposite.

One would think that this malady was a type of contagious disease in todays' political climate. It's gotten to the point where to read and understand not just the clown circus but the powers in office you need to take lessons from Professor Backwards. The touters of "death panels" were nothing more than a scare tactic until of course they gained power and brought it to a reality by cutting grandmas' safety nets. Then there was no need for some expensive medical administrative process. It's pay up or die!
And what other evil plots were hatched under the guise of altruistic gibberish? Off hand I can think of too many to list but take the ever so heartfelt provision of providing health care to low income children. That in the long run turned out to be nothing more than a temporary exercise in futility. Like proud owners of cute puppies holding the up for show, it was a different story when the cameras were turned off and the poor pups were bashed with a mallet. Sorry kid budget cuts means you can't see a doctor after all. What a cruel joke to play when the kid finds out he won't be getting that life saving operation. You want to be the one to tell him?

We're getting raped and robbed in this country and we don't even have the right to complain about it lest we get our heads bashed in or pepper sprayed. Gee I thought that's what we are fighting for in so many other countries. Oh that's right hypocrisy reigns supreme these days. Never mind you're on your own. Let anarchy rule. Only two choices for making a living in these hard times. Selling guns or Prozac.


  1. Anarchy is never the answer. It's understandable in frustration to sometimes think it's the answer, but it never is.

  2. Then what is? More and better dums? They, like leprechauns, don't exist. And no, I don't have a solution because any system that involves humans, including one started by a bunch of whiny rich slaveholders, is bound to fail and for the record, sitting and/or standing and/or marching and not being anarchic isn't anarchy.

    The only anarchy going on is from the pepper spray cans of the uniformed thugs doing the dirty work the Powers-That-Be always delegate to the lower salaried.

  3. "....and the United States will stand up for them everywhere*."

    * Terms and Conditions apply.

  4. I don't have any issue with anarchy, it's ugly but it corrects things at times.

    I wouldn't sell guns, just explosives I learn to make, and the natural prozac, booze.

    Oh hell, I wouldn't sell anything, I'd just be careful and protect my property while enjoying a little liquid prozac.

    If if does twist into anarchy you can at least find it interesting, maybe even enjoy it. Nothing wrong with a little entertainment.

  5. I suspect that Randal is ready, as I am.

  6. Billy you don't need to worry about attacks on your property unless it's from some large corporate developer and in that case guns won't do any good but an army of good lawyers sure would.

  7. I really think the OWS movement should begin setting up shop at government facilities. The private sector will not change of its own accord in any meaningful way unless there is profit in it.

  8. What's all this phobia about pepper spray? It's just a food product. Don't you watch Fox News?

  9. What's all this phobia about pepper spray?

    I have no idea, it'll never stand up against a gun.

  10. Tyrants the world over must just love the response to OWS. It will mean either they don't have to listen to Hillary preach at them any more or they can just tell her to PFO.
